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Alis buried her head  in a  book, sitting at her desk in the English classroom. The class had just finished, and the noise of the leaving students met her ears. Alis was filled with annoyance, the sound of the screeching desks and chairs causing her to cringe. "So loud.." The girl muttered, flipping a page in her book as the students filed out of the room. 

"Hey, have you heard about the Blood Fangs?" One of the girls asked, walking out the room with her friend. "Yeah, I heard that they hit the Opolins yesterday." He whispered back, throwing his bag on his shoulder. "It's crazy!"

At the sound of what they were saying, the girl shook her head and continued to read.  All anyone seemed to talk about were the gangs in Brooklyn, and Alis was tired of hearing about them. Most of the citizens never even met the notorious people, but they still had to talk about it.  

The class had cleared out, and the girl was still seated in her desk. She had already finished the book she had before. Now she was on her phone, reading books on a  popular site she used. They always seemed to calm her down, giving her a place to escape to when she was overwhelmed. Alis stared at the screen at her phone, sighing as she shut it off and stood, looking at the clock.  The time read 9:00, causing the girl's eyes to widen as she ran out of the room and down the hall.  "Crap, I'm supposed to be home by now!" She muttered to herself, bursting out of the front doors and rushing down the street.

Alis was slightly jumpy as she made her way home, peering into every dark corner that was present. Everyone knew to stay inside after dark, the gangs choosing to come out at this time. At the thought she only walked faster, sticking her hands into he pocket of her cardigan. So far so good  She thought, her eyes trained ahead as she went.

And then she felt a hand grab her arm.

Alis' eyes widened, her head turning around to see who had touched her. However she already had an idea from where they were from.

Alis' grey eyes met the sight of a pair of blue ones, filled with mischief as they looked down on her. "Hello there.." The student's eyes trained on his neck, which had a red snake tatted on it. The Blood Fangs....

Alis' eyes widened and her breathing quickened. "I-I would appreciate it if you released my arm." However the gang member only tightened his grip, pulling her closer to him. "Oh I don't think so. Hasn't anyone ever told you that it's bad to stay out late.~"  

Alis raised her fist, slamming it into his gut as she yelled. "Release me now!" She needed to get out of here, as fast as possible. 

The teen growled, his eyes narrowing in anger as he grabbed her fist. "Now that wasn't very smart was it?" He wrapped one hand around both wrists, holding it in a constricting grip as he quickly dug into his pocket, pulling out a rag and holding it over her mouth. The girl kicked in struggled, her eyes filled with fear as the rag muffled her yells of protest.

Her eyes suddenly rolled up in her eyes, her eyelids starting to close as she sagged into the arms of the gang member. He smirked, chuckling as he threw the girl over his shoulder. She was pretty light, her small frame easily fitting onto his shoulder. She was pretty petite, her black hair standing out against her stark white skin. Maybe he could benefit from this little field trip. Torian will be glad to have a new gem in his territory. The Blood Fang member thought with a chuckle, walking off into a dark alley and disappearing from view.

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