Chapter Two: Diagon Alley

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"Elanor. Wake up."


"Diagon All-"

Elanor jumped out of bed, pulled on a red T-shirt and jeans, and ran down the stairs. "Mom, I'm ready to go!"

"You should probably eat first."

"Okay," Elanor sighed. She pulled the eggs toward her, devoured hers, and grabbed her money bag. "I wanna go to Florean's. Can we? I'll pay for my own."

"I'll pay, Ellie, but yes, we can go."

"Nice, Callie said that there's a new flavor," remarked Olivia.

"Great, c'mon Mum! Let's go!"

"Olivia, go change," called out Mr. Smith.


"Wave it now," called Mr. Ollivander.

Elanor waved the wand. Nothing happened.

"Try this one."

The old man gave her a different wand. She felt a surge of power as she waved it. Purple and blue flowers appeared out of nowhere, surrounded by sparks.

"Wow," breathed Olivia. Mr. and Mrs. Smith stared. "What?" asked Elanor."I've never heard of that happening before," stated Mrs. Smith sounding utterly amazed. "Normally, it's just sparks, right Mr. Ollivander?"

"She will become a talented witch, I believe," he replied eerily.

Elanor shivered. He scared her just a little bit.


"Ellie! Ellie!"

"For goodness' sake, Lee! I heard you the first time, only you didn't give me a chance to speak. What?"

"How come you didn't tell me?"

"Tell you what?"

Lee stared at her.

"Lee! In the name of all things magical, what are you on about?"

"Your wand! Something, um, different happened, right?" he asked eagerly.

It was Elanor's turn to stare.

Lee sighed, "Normally, when witches and wizards buy their wand, and they wave it, sparks come out. Olivia told me yours shot out flowers and sparks."

"Lee, it's not that big of a deal. So it was different. And who cares, 'cause I sure don't."

"Well... it's kinda a big deal if Ollivander says you'll be a 'talented witch' and what kind is it? Mine's 12" beech, with dragon heartstring."

"12" cherry, with unicorn hair. And-"

"Lee! Ellie! Let's get your owls!"

"Coming," they screamed in unison, conversation forgotten.

Elanor picked a blue-eyed, tawny owl, with an odd star-shaped marking on her back, and named her Anastar. Lee's owl was brown, with reddish eyes. His name was Firewing.

"Anastar and Firewing," mused Elanor, "Both are wonderful names."

"Better than Seana," put in Lee. Seana was Olivia's owl.

"I have to agree with you there, Lee," replied Elanor grinning. "C'mon, let's go get our robes. Race you!" Elanor beat Lee to Madam Malkins.

"This'll be a quick stop," promised Mrs. Smith as they walked into the shop. But an hour later...

"Hmm, turn about, dearie," directed Madam Malkin.

Elanor obeyed, shoulders sagging. They'd been here for so long, and there were no signs of being anywhere close to done. But...

"And that should do it. Thank you, Madam," smiled Mrs. Smith.

Madam Malkin curtsied briefly and swept away to help a new customer.

"Well, time to get your potion ingredients, and then we'll head to Florean's."

"Wanna race again?" asked Lee.

"Yeah. D'you wanna head start?"

"I'm not that bad!" Lee protested.

"Cough, last time, cough. Anyway, one, two, three, go!"

They dashed off toward the Apothecary.

Once inside, Elanor froze. "Wow," she breathed, "It's brilliant!"

She and Lee stared around the room, seemingly spellbound, then stepped over to the tall, silvery unicorn horns. Nearby, unicorn tails hung, throwing off light with a glimmer.

"Wow wow wow wow wow. This place is so cool!"

"Brilliant doesn't really sum it up," remarked Elanor thoughtfully.

Lee suddenly scurried over to his mother, and she dumped his Potions ingredients into his cauldron.

"Ellie, can you come over and get your ingredients, please?"

"Sure, Mum," she walked dreamily over to Mr. Smith.

He dumped her ingredients into her cauldron.

"Here you go. We can leave now."

"Flourish and Blotts, up next," chirped Mrs. Smith.

Lee dragged Elanor away from the unicorn hair, and out the door.

"You know, you've been to Diagon Alley a million times. Why is it suddenly so fascinating?"

"They never had the unicorn stuff before! And this was only my seventh time going, you should know that." Elanor punched his shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Your memory loss," she replied, as he punched her back. She shoved him, and he almost fell over. She laughed at him as he wobbled. "You need to work on your balance so that you don't fall over in the street," she smiled innocently.

"Ha ha, very funny, Ellie, you made me do that!" he exclaimed, glaring at her.

"Yeah, sorry." She didn't sound sorry at all.

Rolling his eyes, he replied, "Yeah right."

"Come on you two. We can go home now," called Mrs. Jordan.

"Yes! Who's up for Quidditch!" yelled Elanor excitedly.

"Me!" yelled everyone except Mrs. Smith.

"Mom, you are a disgrace to the Smith family!" stated Elanor disgustedly.

"I'll referee, then I can fly non-competitively. You know I love flying, but I'm not very good," she replied with a smile. "Come on kids, let's go, in, in, in!" 

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