Meet and Greet

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I've been waiting for this day for as long as I can remember. It's finally the day where I am going to see Shawn Mendes in concert and meet him. I can hardly stand the excitement as my friend Lucy and I take one last look in our phone cameras before walking up to the venue.

About an hour later, Lucy and I are standing in line to meet Shawn. "Y/N I can't believe this is happening!" Lucy says. I grin in agreement as the line moves up and see Shawn. I feel like I can barely breathe as I walk up to him. "Hi! How are you?" Shawn smiles at me and reaches out for a hug. When his arms go around me I feel so protected and safe. I remember that I can actually talk and as Shawn lets go of me, I say, "Well I'm feeling just about as nervous and excited as Ron was at the Sorting ceremony." Shawn laughs so hard at my Harry Potter reference. We continue talking until it's time for the next girl's turn. As Shawn hugs me goodbye, he slips something into my pocket. As I realize that it's his number, I look up at him in shock. He just grins at me.

After the concert is over, my hands are shaking as I hold Shawn's number in my hand. I lean back against the seat in the car and take a deep breath. I type his number into a message and send him a text.

Y/N: Hi Shawn, it's y/n :)

Shawn: Hi y/n! I loved meeting you today!

Y/N: Same here!

Shawn: So I had a little plan in mind ;) You're a Harry Potter fan, right?

Y/N: Of course! What's your plan?

Shawn: I (being the die-hard fan that I am) have all of the Harry Potter movies. I was thinking we could have a marathon next weekend! You down?

Y/N: That sounds like so much fun! I'm definitely down :)

As Shawn and I continue texting, I'm so happy I feel like my smile is too big for my face. I'm living my dream! A date with Shawn Mendes? This is the best thing that could have ever happened to me!


Hi guys! I hoped you liked that first little story! Keep reading to see what happens at the date! ;)

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