Chapter 1

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Haha, I couldn't wait. 


S.H.E.I.L.D. Hellicarrier

Director Fury's Office

9:16 A.M. 

Nick did not hesitate. As soon as the arachnid left, he hit the red button under his desk. 

"Avengers, we have a code red. Get here as fast as Pietro can run. Do. Not. Bring. The. Spider."

The red flashing light let him know that the message was sent. 


Avenger's Tower

Main Living Area

9:16 A.M. 

"Tony, get up," Clint hissed, poking the billionaire's head with his foot. The man just grumbled and shifted. 

"Too damn early for this crap," Clint said. Steve just stifled a laugh at the two men. 

"Excuse me, Sir," Jarvis's voice rang throughout the whole room, "I have a message from Director Fury." Everyone groaned. Tony turned over, glaring at the ceiling. 

"Tell him to shove a stick up his butt," Tony responded, rubbing his eyes lazily. 

Clint smirked at that. Tiny toddler two year old Tony. 

"It's a code red, Sir," Jarvis informed. Everyone got up immediately. 

"What is it?" Tony asked, downing his coffee. Steve was already running frantically to get Bruce out of the hole he's dug himself. 

"'Avengers, we have a code red. Get here as fast as Pietro can run. Do. Not. Bring. The. Spider.'" Fury's voice rang out through the whole room. After the message was over, there was static. Everyone paused. 

"Don't bring the Spider?" Clint asked, looking at Natasha with a questioning glare. She smacked him on the head. 

"He means Spider-Man you dipwit." 

"C'mon, the jet's ready." 


S.H.E.I.L.D. Hellicarrier

Director Fury's Office

9:31 A.M.

Everyone was practically running towards the office. Once they got there, Steve nearly broke the door down. When they saw Nick picking at surveillance, they gave him a questioning glare. 

"Spider-Man's gone rogue." Nick started, staring at everyone with a cold glare. "It's up to you to stop him." 

There was silence. 

"We're talking about Peter, right?" Tony said, "the fun-loving, joke-making, all around friendly neighborhood Spider-Man?" Pietro raised his eye brow at that. 

Fury just shook his head. He threw the newspaper at them. They read the article, got confused, and read it again. Everyone seemed baffled at the heading. 

"But Peter doesn't kill anyone." 

"He does now," Fury said. 

"How can you tell that he actually killed him, and it wasn't a accident?" Steve asked, folding his arms in disbelief. 

"He told me straight up. Then he attacked me when I told him he was provoked from all his clearance for Avengers, and patrols. Watch the footage."

He clicked "Play," and it showed Peter swiftly kicking him in the gut, grab his collar and say some words. Everyone was convinced. 

Peter had gone rogue. 

"Alright, we've seen enough," Steve said. "Here's the plan-," he was soon cut off as a certain Merc with a Mouth jumped into action. Literally. 

From where ever he came from, he dropped down onto the table, efficiently startling everyone. 

"Before you blow me to bits," Deadpool stated, planting his hands firmly on his hips, "I plead the 5th!" Everyone groaned. 

"What do you want, Wilson?" Fury asked, hand on gun. Wade jumped off the table, landing next to Fury and Steve. 

"I have new evidence to support my case!" Wade said, clearly overjoyed. Everyone looked at each other. 

"....And your case is?" Pietro asked, looking at the red and black clad figure before him. Wade had his head tilted, as if listening to someone. 

"...Huh? Oh right!" Wade shoved Fury away from the computer, typing in something weird, and then replying the video where Nick got kicked in the gut. He paused when Peter's foot connected with his stomach. Wade pointed to it with his finger. 

"See?!" he exclaimed. Everyone was staring at it with a confused look. 

"What are we looking at?" 

Wade groaned, shifting in his boots. 

"....I know I have to explain everything! Okay, so if this were Peter, our Peter, my baby boy, then he would probably do a fabulous back flip behind Nick and then kick him. Not go straight forward, his enemy would probably anticipate it and block it. With the back flip, it disorientates the person, then when they turn, they get a kick in the gut!" Wade put his hands on his hips triumphantly. 

Everyone looked stunned at this. Not only was Wade making sense, but he was doing it for someone else. 

"How do you know Peter's fighting style? And what do you mean by if he was 'our Peter'?" Steve asked skeptically. Wade faked gasped. 

"I take my relationships seriously! Plus, he's my baby boy, I have a need to protect him. For the other question, Peter was absent for two days straight. On the first day of his absence, I went to investigate. He wasn't anywhere where I knew he would probably be, and once the fake came in, I instantly knew it wasn't my Petey. First of all, his costume? Lame! He wouldn't even listen to my rambles like my Petey does. He just kicked me in the face when I tried! Just rude! And when he killed that man, I knew my suspensions were correct. I knew someone kidnapped my baby boy! So I searched non-stop, and I couldn't find him. I needed help." Wade slumped his shoulders in defeat. "So here I am. I want your help. Please," Wade's voice became so low, sort of like a plea, "I need to find my baby boy, I need him in my arms, I need to know that he's safe." There was a stunned silence. 

Nobody's ever heard Deadpool so serious, let alone scared. With a shared glance, Steve slowly began to nod. 

"Alright... if you stay quiet, follow my orders and do not disturb anyone, then you can come with us to get Peter. If he is even kidnapped," Steve added. 

"He has a tracking device in his webshooter, check it," Wade said, pointing to the computer. When people gave him weird stares, he shrugged, "I told him to put it here. ....Yeah I know!" Fury rolled his eyes and started typing rapidly on the computer. Surprisingly, a dot showed up, a long ways away from them, in Bronx. 

"Spider-Man just left. Peter's somewhere else," Fury said. He looked at the team. 

"Go and find him, until then, I will have Coulson take care of the fake. Go and bring the Spider back." 




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