You Said What Now?

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I spoil y'all too much 😧😭.

Look bae showing off 😉😍

Graduation Day

Reese POV

 "Can you believe that today is our graduation?" Jay yelled jumping around my room. "I can't believe it's finally here. It's been a long year but I got my shawty so that makes it a good year for me." Rashad said pulling me close to him on my bed. "Aww babe. That was sweet." I said kissing him. "Ok, ok enough of that. Are y'all ready for our party tonight?" Lauren asked. "Hey yeah! Shout out to our parents for actually coming through and putting this together for all of us." Mark said.  "Right shout out to them. Come on let's get up and get ready. Y'all sitting on my floor looking like slaves and whatnot." (Note: Only Jay, Lauren, Rashad and Joel stayed over Reese's house. Mark and Mimi came there like 5 am the next morning. Weird yes I know) I said as we all got up.  

  Rashad ran past me and ran into the bathroom. Mimi beat Jay into the other one so me, Mark, Jay, Joel, and Lauren had to wait until they were done. "Rashad get out the damn bathroom!" I said banging on door to no avail. "You can join me if you want bae. We ain't gonna be loud." he said laughing, embarrassing the hell out of me. "Imma kick your ass when you get out watch." I said as I went into my room. "So y'all fucked and you didn't tell me." My mom said walking into my room. Welp I'm going to die today, it was very nice knowing y'all. "I-ummm...Well" I said trying to formulate some sentence to no use. She slapped me so hard that my whole face spun around "How you not tell me something as important as that?! Did y'all use protection?" she yelled. I nodded my head. "I don't understand that. Use your words." she demanded. "Yes." I said. 

   She let out a deep breath. "At least you was smart enough to do that. I'm still pissed that you didn't tell me that very important thing. Wait until Rashad gets out the shower." she said way to calmly. "Bae you can-" SLAP! Was all you heard. She damn slapped his ass out of his towel. (A/N: No one else is in the room with them. Joel and Mark went in the room with Jay and Lauren). "You didn't tell me y'all had sex either! When was you gonna say something?" she yelled. He looked at me and I gave him the "no nigga she heard you" look. "Well......Um....We had sex." he said very slowly. "No shit Sherlock! We established that already and I know y'all used protection so I'm not that mad because y'all were smart. I ain't gonna preach about no birds and the bees because y'all clearly know about it but I will say this, the next time y'all do something monumental and y'all keep it from me, I'm beating both of y'all asses. Now get ready for y'all big day" she said walking out the room.

  "Got me jumping out of character and shit this early in the morning. Had me worried about you while the whole time, you was having the ride of your life." she said slamming the door, making Rashad laugh. "Shut up!" I said looking at him. "I'm sorry baby." he said pulling me on top of him. "Oh no you don't. Move." I said trying to get away from him. "Gimme a kiss and I'll let you go" he said. I mentally groaned because I knew what he was doing. I gave him a kiss and broke it before it could lead to something else. "You a tease man" he said pouting. "You're a big boy, you'll be fine." I said grabbing my stuff and walking into the bathroom. When I finished with my shower, I noticed everyone was fully dressed. "Hurry up before your ass don't get nothing to eat and end up going to your graduation looking like one of those kid on TV. Fast ass." my mom said.

  She isn't gonna let this go.  I rolled my eyes and went into my room to get dressed. "Roll em again and I'll make sure they wont ever move again. She yelled. "Ok superwoman" I said as I went to put my clothes on. "I heard that! Keep on." she said making me laugh. She's crazy for real. I quickly got dressed and went over to my mirror to make sure I looked presentable. "Today is your big day! You have officially survived all 4 years of high school. It hasn't been an easy road but have made it with the love and support of your family and friends. Now it's-" "Boy if you don't get your ass down here!" my mom yelled. Let me go before she pop a blood vessel. 

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