part one

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Normally on monday's i'd be sleeping in but today was different , i was sitting in front of my mirror trying to pull my hair into the neatest ponytail but somewhere along the way i lost interest and just got a beanie and ''stuffed'' my hair into it. I went for the most natural look possible today but including my signature red lip . 

I stood up , and dusted off the black skirt which clinged to my hips . I grab my book bag and rushed downstairs. As soon as i let out a sigh of relief , Mel , my perfect sister appears . Guess what ,i'm in for the longest lecture .

'' you know renity , it doesn't hurt to say good morning once in a while '' 

'' guess what mel , i really don't care'' i toss back . 

'' you never have '' 

'' yeah , now do me a favor and excuse me '' i mutter ''im hungry''

'' You know one day you will have to care '' she says , a sad smile playing on her lips

 '' yeah , but for now i have to deal with my elder sis sending me off to boarding school '' i icily respond 

  '' it's for your best , your own good ''

   '' it's also for yours , you just can't keep up with me , can you darling '' i smirk  and dash out side , spinning around just to see her expression . Her mouth hanged open and her eyes starred straight at me , as if she was trying to read my mind . A laugh escapes my lips as i blow her a kiss. As soon as i do that , a vehicle halts to a stop , i bit my lip to stop it from shaking , this was the vehicle  taking me to the school , taking me from my home for some years . I wanted to cry but instead as i got on i whispered good bye to the place i grew up in and was about to leave.

boarding school here i come .


I stood on the bus platform , my mum and dad surrounding me , unfortunately my brother , Greg could get to see me leave. Today i left the little town i grew up in to go to a boarding school , a very fine one at that . A bus rambled to a stop , at once i realized it was the vehicle bringing me to my destination . With a quick hug and one last final goodbye , i got on , found a sit and got comfortable , i might as well since we had a long drive till the school. 

My eyes flew open as the bus came to a halting stop , its doors opened and in hopped a girl . She scanned the bus and surprisingly made her way to the sit next to me , ok well not surprisingly it was the last sit available , so. I watched her out of the corner of my eye , she was quite a picture , strands of her hair poked out of her beanie and her lip was a bright red and for this snowy town she was quite tanned , i observed her face again , i took a liking to it , well right now i sound like a creep but still imagine looking into her chocolate coloured eyes , i ..

'' Am bud you could stop starring now '' she smirks , turning to face me .

My face turns beetroot red at once '' sorry , sorry '' i stutter .

'She smiles '' I'm Serenity '' 

'' Niall , Niall Horan '' i choke out , my strong Irish accent becoming even thicker. '' nice to meet 'ya''

'' Ditto '' she says turning her head back to her phone .

With that i keep my eyes off of her and let them wonder around , taking in the faces of the other people around me . Soon enough they begin to shut and i fall into a dreamless sleep.

Something poked me , there it is again . My eyes flutter open once again and begin to adjust to the lights.The she talks .

'' Niall get moving , we're here '' Serenity says her voice sounding slightly annoyed '' i've been poking you but you were being sleeping beauty'' .

'' ohmygush sorry again so sorry '' i mutter and get up .

I walk off the bus , rubbing my eyes and dragging my luggage behind me and beginning to tune into my thoughts on how i wanted to spend the year here . 

'' you know  sleeping beauty , you have nice eyes and you really should stop speaking in your sleep , but eh thanks for saying I'm pretty ''a familiar voice whispers into my ear.

 I turn around and low and behold , none other than the red lipped girl , Serenity is watching me with a smirk  as my mouth hangs open and blood rushes up to my pale  cheeks.

'' i '' once again i stutter 

 she chuckles , winks and swaggers off , leaving me gaping like a fish , again . From the looks of it i found a campus crush and one that is cheeky and looks like trouble.

hey guys what do you think and pic of serenity aye 

lloves yall xoxox.

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