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-requested by xxNewGhostxx

You sighed to yourself as you walked into the front doors of your high school, or should you say hell hole. The only thing that kept you going was that you were a senior and that you got to see your crush, Awsten. He was so perfect with his blue hair and perfect smile, you were snapped out of your thoughts by your best friend, Alisha coming up to you and snapping in front of your face. "Hey! Earth to (Y/N)! Stop dreaming about Awsten!" You blushed and looked away because she said it pretty loud. "Hush! I don't want him to hear you!" You say "hey, why don't you just tell him you like him, it's obvious he likes you too" she tries to reason with you. "Because he probably doesn't and that would be so embarrassing" just as you finished your sentence the first bell rang signaling you had only 5 minuets until first period started. Alisha went to go buy some breakfast from the school cafeteria and you still sat in the same spot. When you were waiting for her return you heard a familiar voice call your name "hey (Y/N)!" It was Awsten. "Oh hey Awsten!" You say as normal as you could "so otto Geoff and I are going bowling later and we were wondering if you would wanna come? We invited Alisha too." He said with a hopeful look on his gorgeous face "yeah sure! Sounds fun!" You said. "Great see you tonight!" He said and walked away. Just then Alisha walks back to the table "so Awsten invited me to go bowling with them tonight" she says "yeah he invited me too!" You say "oh great This will be so much fun!". Then the bell rang and you rushed to class. The day went by so slow since you were so exited for tonight, finally last period came along and you went to your locker and go your stuff. You looked around and the thing you saw made your heart break. Alisha and Awsten talking and then right after Awsten hugs her, for quite a while. You were crushed, thinking that he liked her and didn't know what to do so you turned around and ran out of the school. Awsten and looked so upset and he started running after you calling your name "(y/n!! Wait stop!" He said "what do you want Awsten?" You asked sadly "hey what's wrong, you look like your gonna cry" he says. Just then something snapped in you and you said everything you were thinking "yes I do feel like I'm gonna cry, because you were just hugging my best friend and i like you Awsten, i like you a lot, screw that i love you and she knows that but now, you two are together right?" You cry. And with that he just looks at you for a second and kisses you. You were taken back for a minuets then you kiss back, and damn it felt good. "I was talking to her to see if I should ask you out an a real date tonight, because I like you, screw that I love you" he says quoting you "and I hugged her to thank her when she told me you liked me as well" he smiled "wow I feel dumb" you say and blush. He laughs and says "well i might as well just say it, (y/n) will you be my girlfriend?" He asks, "I would love to" you smile and kiss him.

Sorry it's late! Hope you enjoy!! xx

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