Chapter #1: Three Okazakis?!

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Today at school, something utterly shocking happened today at school! Fuko found out that Okazaki can turn into a girl! This is what had happened:
Fuko was in her trance and when Fuko snapped out of it and this girl with purple hair was there.
"Huh? Where's Okazaki and Nagisa?" Fuko Asked.
"I'm Okazaki, I've turned into a girl!"
"I said I'm Okazaki, and I've turned into a girl!"
"Wha Wha Wha?!?" Fuko dropped her Starfish" How did you become a girl?! This is impossible! How did this happen?" Fuko asked
"It comes off sometimes."
"What! This is too shocking! Could it possibly attach its self to me now could it!?"
"For the time being."
"What?! Fuko is shocked!"
Then I looked up to see the original Okazaki looking at me.
"Did it reattach itself again?"
"Huh? What are you talking about?"
"So it was a bad dream then.."
"Okazaki you should stop already." Said Nagisa as she walked toward with the- wait THE OTHER OKAZAKI!?
"THERE ARE TWO OKAZAKIS?!" Fuko exclaimed.
"We divide sometimes." Said the male Okazaki.
"Okazaki!" The male Okazaki dodged a Book and a girl with long purple hair grabbed him by the collar.
"Why are you using my sister for one of your silly pranks?!"
"I-I.." Fuko said.
"Huh?" They all said.
"Th-The same face.. THERE ARE THREE OKAZAKIS?! Fuko is UTTERLY SHOCKED!" Fuko yelled.
"How much of an idiot are you?" The male Okazaki said.
Well, that's what happened at school today. Geez, sometimes Fuko feels likes she's the only person who isn't weird. Well, that's it for today! Fuko will see you next time! Fuko Out!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2016 ⏰

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