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I woke up to the bright rays of sun forcing their way through the open balcony door. I felt for the side of the bed, confused for a moment as to why he wasn't here. I always forgot he had to work early in the morning, and that I would never get the chance to wake up next to him peacefully. My fingers glided across the silky fabric of the pillow, and I longed for the feeling of him in my arms.

I absolutely hated waking up alone. For years, I would go to sleep next to someone and they would be gone by the next day. Its not an appealing life style, but it was what I had to deal with for oh so long.

I rolled onto my back, my muscles sore and aching from all the...stuff... I do. Stop thinking like that. I don't really know what to do, so I stare up at the ceiling, hoping that some magic will explode from it and give me something to do. The only thing that exploded on me was impending doom and crippling anxiety.

I sit up, a strand of hair curling over my face from the mess of a hair style that was a mix of hobbit and Hetero. I need friends. That aren't drug dealers. Fuck.

Maybe I should apologize to Phil? Maybe he'll be my friend and ill have something to do. Other than Tyler. Haha jokes.

I grabbed my phone and unplugged it from the charger next to bed, and searched his name in the chat bar.
" phil les-ta " I whisper to myself as i type, clicking my tongue on the Ta.

Dan Howell , 10:48 am:

Hey...can we talk? Id like to apologize. In person

My finger hesitated over the giant " Send " button, finally mustering the courage up to push the word.

Read at 10:49 am

I waited for literally about 3 minutes and then gave up, throwing my phone on my bed and groaning loudly, as if I had a terrible problem. I mean, I'm mean, so I do, but. Shh thats asides from the point.

Right before i was about to wallow in self pity, i heard my phone go " ding! "

" Im gonna shit myself if thats him " i mumbled to myself, grabbing it and looking at the message.

Phil lester, 10:57:

I guess we can talk. You're buying me coffee, though.

I texted him back a quick ' ok ' with some details on where to meet, and then frantically threw myself around the room, grabbing outfits that would look good with " blossoming friendship " but also with apology. How does that even work?

After a brisk ( Steamy 😉 ) Shower, I put on the tight black T-shirt and my favorite pair of black ripped jeans, where there were holes all the way from my thighs to my ankles. Thank god I had chosen the coffee shop around the corner, or my tight clothes would have suffocated me in the heat.

Soon after I left the hotel room I literally almost died. After leaving the nice cool hotel air, I was stuck in a fiery pit of hell. Beads of sweat were starting to trickle down my forehead as I entered the air conditioned coffee shop -thank god- and looked for the tall lanky dude with the dark black hair and the fringe. After not seeing him I chose a table meant for two, deciding he wasn't there yet. After about 2 minutes I saw him walk in with a nervous look on his face, his eyes darting throughout the shop.

" phil! " I yelled, a bit too loudly for the barista apparently, as she gave me a dirty look but did not say anything else.

He seemed to relax a little as he saw me, and i realized something as we made eye contact. He looked so sad. The bags under his eyes were DARK, and his hair was a mess atop of his head. But those were just minor things, the way his eyes looked. All glazed over and the way he bit his lip anxiously. He finally made his way over and sat carefully in his chair, his hands sat respectfully in his lap.

" Look Phil, Im sorr- "

" I don't want to hear this shit, just get me my damn coffee " He almost snapped at me. I nodded, looking down in my lap at my hands. That had really shocked me. I dislike yelling. And fights.

" sorry " I mumble, and motion the barista over, ordering a caramel frappachino with whipped
Cream. I nod at Phil to tell him its his turn, and he just orders a cup of coffee.

We sit in silence for a while before I cough to break the tension, looking up to see a pair of saddened blue eyes staring back at me. Why didnt i feel bad before? Why am I such an asshole.

" so hows yours and my boyfriend you took from me relationship going. " he asked, a small smirk beginning to play on his lips, but I was frowning. Was he just going to fuck with me this entire time and stay pissed? I didn't give him a reply.

We waited in silence for a little bit longer until the drinks came. By how quickly she was gone it was almost as if she could feel every bad feeling that was between me and phil.

" phil lester. " I hummed out, taking a sip of my drink.

He hummed in question back, his fake façade of happiness falling.

" I vow to hang out with you everyday until you are my best friend, or you end up killing me. Whatever happens first. "

" bu- "

" shut the fuck up nopity nope nope nope cant hear yo lil bitchass " I interrupted him mid-sentence.

" Being around you its not going to be either of those, " he almost whispered. " Because I'm going to end up killing myself first. " I smiled a bit

He could join the club.

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