Chapter 15

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Hmmm... I wonder if my characters are going to survive this.......

Anyway....thank you to everyone reading and voting and commenting...

Happy Reading y'all...xoxox

CHARLES was on his third bottle of whiskey and luncheon had not yet even been served. Of all the things that could happen to them, he laughed into his glass. Of course Millicent had a plan when she first suggested they retire to Abercom. The only reason he avoided marriage was women like Millicent. One's who saw a man, a wealthy man, a wealthy man from a titled family and an opportunity.

Her motives in the hallway that very same morning were rather clear to him. She looked all but satisfied to see Madison weeping before her brother's eyes.

He swallowed the course whiskey, letting it burn down his throat and set fire to his empty stomach. Then there was his mother. His dearest mother. How could he and James not have seen? Was she right when she said she had not mourned their father, her husband? Had they not given her a chance to?

He and James always quarreled, that is what brothers do, but maybe, just maybe, they should have seen their mother's pain and ignored their own, for they still had her, but she had no one. She was so alone, she would rather go be with her husband than stay on earth with her children.

He sat back willing tears to come, but they never flowed. Not for him. Not at his father's funeral. James as strong as a horse he was, shed tears. He cried, he weeped, he mourned, but Charles, Charles had just sat there looking pensive. He wondered why he never had the gift of tears. It served him well.

He reached for the bottle on the table, its weight saying it was empty. He was about to rise and go fetch another bottle when his brother stormed in slamming the door behind him. He gave James one look and continued on his path, bringing with him an extra glass. He poured himself a healthy amount then turned to James and handed him the bottle.

James took a swig and closed his eyes as the whiskey travelled down his throat. Today he did not feel the burn. All he could hear were Madison's words ringing in his ears, I murdered my husband. How could she confess to a sin so grave. As a Duke he was obligated to hand her over but he could not bring himself to send a missive.

The man had already been dead and buried a good while. London knew, they suspected and yet she was never hanged, because that was the fate that awaited her if he were to... no.

He looked at the bottle in his hand and put it to his mouth once more, this time he felt it. As it traveled down his throat, it scarred his insides, now all he needed was scars on the outside too.

'Who are you drinking for?' Charles asked his speech slurred.

'Both of them,' came James' short reply. 'I want your whore in a carriage by nightfall.'

Charles looked at his brother, he too wanted her gone. She had deceived him. He had confronted her after he had left James and the doctor, she had cried at first saying she did not mean to speak to Madison so crudely and that she realized her mistake. He pressed her and she finally revealed the reasons behind her actions. Her mother was ill and Madison was to blame. He asked her how she knew Madison's whereabouts but she began to cry once more.

In that moment all the conversations they had ever had played back to him and all were pointed towards retiring to Abercom.

'Had she known?'

'No, but she insisted it was merely on suspicion,' Charles answered knowing who exactly James was referring. 'Her coach will be here by luncheon and we shall be free of all women.'

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