🎭Mysterious Masked Man!🎭

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🐾*Years later*🐾

🐾(Nagato:15, Konan:15, Yahiko:15 Riyona:9) 🐾

Akatsuki quickly gained fame after gathering comrades with Yahiko as their leader. Hanzo had finally heard rumors of their organization and approached them as he could no longer ignore their existence. He proposed to make them an axis in an effort to launch peace between the three great nations. They accepted his proposal. But that only led to betrayal at the hands of Hanzo. Hanzo had planned from the very beginning to force Nagato to kill Yahiko or his cousin and Konan would die. 

🎭*Another large time skip*🎭

🎭 (Nagato:20, Konan:20, Riyona:14)🎭

"You ready to give up yet? I'm starting to tire of our game of tag." asked a Konoha ninja as Nagato panted from the constant fighting and running. Riyona was silently watching as Nagato warned her not to interfere. Nagato then threw two smoke bombs at him then cloned himself. His clone then fought with the ninja creatingtheillusion that he was going to die. "Just give up." the ninja from Konoha said as he stabbed the clone. "No, you give up... on trying to get me to give up!" Nagato said, with just a flick of his wrist the ninja was dead.

🎭*two months later*🎭 

A masked man had just fought and killed Hanzo, who had killed the real Yahiko years ago. He began talking to Riyona, Nagato, and Konan about true peace and world domination and how they could achieve it. However, he was very secretive about some major details, and that caused Riyona not to believe or trust him and even hate him later on. But she was still looking forward to seeing Orochimaru again, so she agreed to anything the organization did. 

"I need to ask the two of you." He didn't acknowledge Riyona because she was on the sidelines barely even glancing at anything but the windows of the room and he didn't believe her to be paying attention to anything else. "To help fulfill my dreams, I believe that was the promise." The masked man said."I understand." Pein, Yahiko, spoke. "So, what do you require specifically?" He asked. "The first thing to consider is members..." The masked man answered. 

"In order to move as 'The Akatsuki', I'd say we need to gather... eleven members, not including me." He said. "In the Akatsuki, we already have you, Konan, and that girl over there." He lazily waved his hand to the side of the room where Riyona was standing. "With Zetsu that makes four, go and gather seven others." "Why not count yourself among us?" Pein asked. "I need to take care of some things behind the scenes. When the time comes, I will join you but until then..." The masked man paused. "You will be the leader." 

"Understood. Originally, your plan was one of my goals. It's a relief to know that we're both on the same page." Pein said. "Heh." The masked man chuckled. "So what are we planning to do about finding other members?" Konan asked the man. "I already have my eye on some." He informed them, which, in turn, grabbed Riyona's full attention. "Who are they?" she asked impatiently. 

"I have three in particular in mind. One stole the hidden waterfall's secret technique and is now an immortal, Kakuzu." He told them. "Second, a rogue ninja of the sand, a puppeteering genius, Sasori. The third and final one is someone not too distant from me... I will bring him in myself. It will be Zetsu who'll be your guide. Contact each of them... and bring them to the Akatsuki. Now go. Complete your assignment for our ambitions." He then teleported out of the room. 

🎭*A few days later*🎭

Riyona, Zetsu, and Pein were walking in a forest near the land of hidden waterfalls when they spotted the immortal, the masked man called Kakuzu. He had just killed about fifty ninjas without breaking a sweat and was about to make it fifty-one... scratch that, it is fifty-one. "Hmph... I'm not able to make much money off these low-ranked ninjas!" Kakuzu grumbled as he squeezed the ninja's neck till it snapped with a nasty-sounding crack and tossed his body to the side like a discarded toy and moved on to look for his next victim. 

"Wow, that's messed up." Said the light side of Zetsu, as he appeared to come out of a tree he had jumped onto. Surprised by the Venusplant-looking guy, Kakuzu quickly jumped off the branch landing on the ground, and was ready for a fight. Riyona and Pein weren't too far behind him, as they included Zetsu who walked into the clearing... "Who are you? What do you want?" Kakuzu asked in a gruff tone. "The immortal ninja, Kakuzu... I'd like to invite you to join the Akatsuki." Pein stated while Zetsu and Riyona just listened to them talk. 

"The Akatsuki?" 

"That's right. It's a group that's meant to bring true peace to everyone!" Riyona spoke in a cheerful voice but with a false smile. She didn't like the Akatsuki at all, but she couldn't leave. She felt if she left the Akatsuki, she would be abandoning her cousin and he would be left alone... and she just couldn't do that, plus it'd be a possible way of meeting 'that man' again. Which made it all bearable for her. "I don't care about that junk. The only thing I care about is money." Kakuzu stated with an eye roll. 

Riyona silently glared at him for being so rude. "Whether you care or not isn't the issue. I insist that you join us." Pein said in an almost demanding tone. "You're pretty bold aren't you? Or you're a fool who doesn't know who's stronger." The immortal glared at Pein while clenching his fist. "There's nothing special about you, but... You talk too much." 

"So you want to fight with me? ...Fine. Have it your way then." Pein said with a smirk as he slowly walked closer to him. "However, when I defeat you... You will join the Akatsuki." He demanded. 'This one...' Kakuzu thought to himself. "Come," Pein ordered.

🎭*Time skip*🎭(I don't do fights)

Kakuzu was now panting from all his injuries and exertion. "You have lost, Kakuzu," Pein said, stating the obvious. "This power of yours... What is it?" The immortal asked confused as to how he lost.

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