T|M|N he falls asleep on you

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Imagine idea from @Melissawildd

Your POV

I tied my shoes and headed down the stairs of the homestead quickly and quietly. I promised to meet Thomas in the deadheads, even though it was 12:58.

Thomas and I both know it would be foolish and immature to have a relationship in the glade but we honestly didn't care, we are in love. I can feel it.

But the hard part is that we have to hide it, we can't let anyone know. Alby would be so disappointed and think so much less of me and Thomas.

Plus I think it's fun to sneak around, ducking people and meeting and secret places kinda reminds me that WICKED doesn't control my life, they could never fully control me.

I was light on my feet and I ran into the deadheads, Thomas was already there.

"Hey (y/n)" Thomas said approaching me. He kissed my cheek and I blushed.

"Hi." I whispered. Thomas looked exhausted. He had dark circles under his beautiful eyes and he just didn't seem like himself. He sat down on a fallen down tree and I sat with him.

"Are you alright, Tom?" I asked concerned.
"Yeah yeah it was just a hard day today..." Thomas trailed off. He put his head on my shoulder and he seemed to relax.

I began to feel sleepy myself, I yawned.
"Hey T-" I heard Thomas lightly snore, he was completely asleep. I smiled and closed my eyes, at the moment everything was so perfect that everyone's opinions of me and Thomas didn't matter. They were blind if they couldn't see we're in love.
Your POV

I've been in the glade for only 3 months but I volunteered right away to give the tour to the newest greenie when I saw him.

He was gorgeous. The most angelic boy I've ever seen. He was adorable, he was trying to act all okay even though he was clueless and had no idea where he was.

He walked with me and he didn't ask too many questions but he was very sassy. He snapped at the other gladers when they called him a greenie and he when people tried to pick on him he didn't take it. Although he acted very tough and was trying to fit in, I could tell he was terrified when I explained the doors and the grievers.

His eyes flashed with fear and he had tons of questions about them.

"What happens if you don't make it back in time?"
"Well I all-"

"Has any of those, what are they called?"


"Yeah grievers that's it. What happens if they get you?"

"Well you get stung and-"

"What time do the doors close?"

"Around 6:35 but-"

We both stopped. The doors were shutting. Minho's eyes were glued onto the huge stone doors. He jumped when they finally closed.

"Whoa." Was all he managed to get out. I smiled, I remember I reacted like that too.

At the bonfire that night Minho was quiet. Ever since the whole door thing he seemed stunned. I admit it was a lot to take in. We sat next to each other on the ground. Everyone was wrestling and fighting, I felt like Minho would want to fight as well but he didn't seem up for it.

Around 11:00 Alby declared the bonfire over and that we all had to go to our rooms or hammocks. Minho panicked.

"(Y/n), you don't sleep outside?" Minho said running his hands through his hair a look of worry flashed through his beautiful eyes.

"I sleep in the homestead, but for tonight you can come with me, okay?" Minho nodded and whispered a thank you.

We walked back to my room and I was just about to close the door when Minho heard the first moan and groan of the heavy grievers. Minho turned to me and got behind me. I held back a laugh and waited for him to react.

"Did they get into the maze? Can the climb? We need to warn the others!" Minho said taking deep breaths and pacing the room.

"Minho, it's okay. They're outside the glade in the maze,remember?" I said sitting Minho down on my bed. Minho's breathing returned to normal but he still seemed anxious.

Minho didn't look so well. Even though he knew the grievers were on the other side of the walls he still seemed frightened, who could blame him?

"Minho you can sleep with me in my bed if it makes you feel more comfortable." I said looking down embarrassed but Minho nodded.

He laid down next to me but he was wide awake. I could tell Minho was uneasy and tense the whole time. I sat up and touched his arm. He jumped a little but he jumped with every moan and metal shift of the grievers. Minho sat up, the little moonlight that shined from the window highlighted his features perfectly, he was perfect.

"Minho it's okay, I promise." I said touching his arm. We never stopped looking at each other. I lightly pushed Minho's head onto my stomach and he didn't move for the rest of the night.
Your POV

Newt wasn't feeling well. He tossed and turned and i felt so bad for him.

"Hey Newt how are you feeling?" I asked him from my side of the bed. He sat up, even with his dirty blonde hair matted and crazy he looked beautiful. Newt shrugged. I placed my hand on his forehead, i don't think he has a fever.

He refused to go to the med jacks because Jeff and Clint were asleep by now and he didn't want to wake them up.

Newt had on extra pillows and blanket and socks and whatever he could to keep him warm. I placed a warm Kiss on his forehead and he lightly placed his head on my chest. And after what seemed like hours he finally fell asleep.

//hope you guys enjoyed! I'm sorry Newt's imagine Is really short. REQUESTS ARE OPEN! Please request!

Much love! ♡

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