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To say the Fair was packed was probably the understatement of the year.

People were everywhere and it was a hard task to move around with so many people rushing by and pushing their way through.

Some fans had already recognized Harry but had kept at bay while keeping in some rather loud screams.

Marcel had seemed anxious the minute they walked in and Harry had noticed, but he wasn't about to ask, knowing fully well Marcel was nowhere spilling the beans.

It was worrying him to the core how his brother had changed from happy-go-lucky to a reserved and anxiously jittery boy who couldn't stop looking over his shoulder while walking.

He also noticed how he constantly chewed his fingers raw and left nothing but small bits, which only looked painful. Marcel used to be so care-free and funny and open and chatty. He attracted people like a magnet in high school, and just like his brother he had some got load of charm to spread. But so suddenly Harry comes back from their TMH tour and already in his first year at uni Marcel completely changed. He simply shut down and it scared Harry. It scared him so much he had picked to chewing his nails just like Marcel did.

He couldn't help but worry.

Harry glanced over with a suspicious gaze but returned to pushing people as gently as possible while making their way to a nearby Ferris wheel. But sadly getting there wasn't the outstanding problem but getting in.

There was a probable line of a approximately 25 people waiting already.

Walking with mouths open in awe both stood behind a buffy guy who was staring deeply at nothing.

Once nearby and in line the guy letting and controlling people at the entrance of the attraction seemed to recognize Harry as he waved his hand up telling them to go over.

Walking in at a slow pace, Harry looked at him waiting for whatever it was he needed.

"What's up mate?" Harry asked in a shushed tone trying to drag no attention to them.

"Hey man," The ginger guy said as he shook Harry's hand excitedly. He had a strong Irish accent reminding him deeply of Niall, suddenly missing those crazy 4 boys with a hell of a humor.

The guy was biting down a grin as he spoke. "..saw you down the line, you don't have to wait if you don't want to, I can let you in right now you know? It will be a long time before you get in," He questioned as he stared from Marcel to Harry.

For a guy who worked at a Fair he seemed utterly excited about being in Harry's presence while Harry wasn't very fazed by the whole offer.

About to decline his kind idea, Marcel suddenly jumped meters high in the air in the blink of an eye, and the next second he cut Harry off before he could speak out. Snapping his eyes over to the guy.

"We would love too! H-He would love too, please," Marcel squeaked as he turned his gaze back to the guy who was letting people in by now.

He looked up and grinned before opening a second gate, next to the one where people where walking through and gestured for them to walk through and follow the signs.

Harry threw a deep glare at Marcel who was just as jittery and scared as he looked. His face was pale, his eyes huge behind his thick lenses and his knees seemed to sure to give in any second. Harry turned back and kept walking shoulders tense and a lingering frown by his eyebrows.

Marcel knew how much Harry hated to use his fame as a perk to get in to events and win stuff and what not. He knew it and right now he just felt like slamming his head to a wall and cursing in every language. Harry was disappointed in Marcel and it weighed heavy in his gut cause it was in rare occasions he ever disappointed anyone. He shoulders slumped as he kept walking but he couldn't have stayed out there. Of course he wanted to wait with the rest of the people until they could go in but not when he had spotted two of his major bullies pass by dangerously close. Dave Mathews and Thomas "Tom" Philis.

Both scholars in football and the most popular guys at uni, given their looks, charm and special ability to seduce girls in a matter of seconds. Every girl loves them and every guy who isn't on the footie team, fears them.

They have made Marcel's whole year in Uni, a living hell. Dumped him in toilets, stole his food and homework assignments, kicked and punched him countless times and done every prank in the book, Marcel falling for most of them.  It was like high school all over again. 

So yeah, he had to avoid them at any cost, cause if those two ever knew Harry Styles was his brother his life would end right there.

The teasing would become worse.

The embarrassment and cruel words would only be worse and it would be all because his brother is in a famous boy band.

They would use him, and Marcel didn't think he was ready for that, not at all. 

So he kept quiet, he hung his head low, let them abuse him and just kept a low profile.

He hid behind his clothes and exaggerated glasses.

Harry noticed how zoned out he was and finally had it. He stopped dead in his tracks and looked at Marcel pointedly before grabbing him forcefully by the collar and taking him to the back of a close tent.

Once behind it he let go of Marcel's clothes and sat down gruffly on a close wooden stall. 

"What in the fucking world is going on M?! Is it high school all over again?" He asked finally done with Marcel and his bullies, he had had it.

"N-no-," Marcel stuttered but Harry cut him short.

"Don't you dare say to give you time, cause something happened out there and I want explanations, right now, right here," Harry stated firmly, his face scrunched in anger and worry.

"Well.. there's this guys.. and, well... you know.. they, t-they.. uh," Marcel seemed impossibly nervous and scared but he knew Harry was about to explode so even if he wanted or not, he had to start talking.

But right at that moment, a big group of bulky looking guys came around the tent, all seemingly drunk and with some beers in hand. And right at that moment Marcel felt the colour drain from his cheeks as he stared tense and wide-eyed at the boys before him, his blood running cold and his heart beating a thousand times a second.

Harry frowned worried and confused before his gaze fell upon the group and seemed to connect the dots pretty well when one of them screamed, "Hey guys look! It's that faggot from uni!" And so every one laughed before Harry abruptly stood up and ran over to them, his adrenaline kicking in as he saw nothing but white and his ears rang with anger. In no time his tall figure stood before the guy who had said it and instantly stopped laughing and stared at Harry with a bored look.

"And what do you want curly?" Tom Phillis asked with a cocky eyebrow.

"Oh, you're about to find out you disgusting arsehole," Harry muttered before he smashed a neat punch to the guys jaw, making him helplessly fall to the ground, blood running out of his lips. 

The group all screamed in encouragement to Tom as he stood up, holding his jaw with one hand as he stared at Harry enraged.

"You stupid prick, you're fucked," Tom stated as he ran towards Harry head on, planning on tackling him to the ground. Luckily, Harry had learned too many lessons with Mack Jarvis to let someone as small and weak as Tom win on a simple fight.

Harry smirked darkly as he turned amused towards Tom and gave him a final blow on the gut with his long boot before kneeling down to his ear, "If you ever touch Marcel Styles in your fucking life again, I'll make sure to ruin you in the blink of an eye," And with stood straight and walked over to Marcel who looked wide-eyed and terrified. Since the last time Marcel had seen Harry he had grown muscle, he knew that. But he was never actually aware of how strong Harry had become in a year. 

A year ago he wouldn't even had been able to tickle Tom without hurting himself in the process.

"I'll ruin you, Harry Styles, and that little twin of yours too, tomorrow it will be all over the headlines you fucker," Tom threatened as both Harry and a mortified Marcel walked back to the fair. 


I think i'll just finish this chapter here, cause I'd have an awfully long day and I'm extremely tired so hope you enjoyed it and I love you, thanks for reading Ü 


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2014 ⏰

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