Chapter 13: Jailbreak

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Six Weeks After Being Arrested

It wasn't long after they handcuffed us that we learned we were back in the U.P.A. Empire City specifically. Right then we were waiting in Jail, waiting to be tried as adults.

The judge hasn't handled our case yet, but the guards, and everyone else in here, say it's a guarantee that they'll just execute us. Other than that it isn't so bad in here. It's like being back in the Boarding school, but the roles are sort of reversed. Because in here we have a bit of a reputation.

I never said that anyone didn't challenge that reputation though.

Four Nights After Arriving in Empire City's Jail Facility


The inmates around us roared as Thomas knocked someone unconscious with a crushing hook to the jaw. He didn't want to, but that guy tried to force himself on me. Since we've been here that's the act we've had to put on.

To the rest of the guy's here I belong to Thomas, and if we have any trouble Thomas can just take care of them. It's stressful sometimes but lately we've been able to handle ourselves, I just hope we don't start looking good to any of the the bigger guys in here. It's the only way we can really function, especially with how people view us.

Long after that fight we sat down.

"What the hell's with these guys?" I said, "Don't they ever get tired of this crap? I didn't even fight anyone today and my head still hurts!"

Thomas shrugged his shoulders "...Just stay close."

A guy not too much bigger than me sat down at the table, he wore thick glasses and a smug look.

He smirked "Confused about how shit works around here?"

"... Who are you?" I said, furrowing my brows at his way-too-comfortable disposition.

"You don't need to worry, I don't want trouble," He adjusted his glasses. "You just don't look like you understand the type of people you are."

Thomas sat there, his arms folded defensively, "...What kind of people are we?" He said.

"Man, you guys are dull..." He leaned across the table "You bombed Empire City."

"UNINTENTIONALLY!" I interjected.

"How the hell do you unintentionally organize a terrorist attack on the world's capital?"

I facepalmed, "WE DIDN'T KNOW, OKAY?"

"Travis, calm down..." Thomas said nonchalantly.

"I'm tired of everyone saying we did it on purpose, it's NOT true!"

Thomas gave me a stoic glare of disapproval. He sighed "...He's neurotic in bad situations..."

The boy raised his brow, "...That attack was organized by Azharian terrorists, that bomb was a signal to all the other terrorists running around the country to set off a bunch of other attacks. Sorta like a ripple effect. You can imagine the country was pissed.

So America released all this propaganda about why Those terrorists are so horrible. Y'know a bunch of 'How could they do this to the great people of America' and 'Those heartless monsters will be brought to justice' crap. So the terrorists responded with this."

He reached into his jumpsuit and pulled out a smartphone.

"How'd you get that?"

He smirked as he scrolled through the thin device, "The guards around here don't give a shit about rules, give 'em something to smoke on and they'll give you whatever they can."

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