I am soooooooooooosorrythat ihave not been posting i had a family emergency and i had no time for wattpad cuz family mattersthe most but here is my story byyyyyyyy
Camila pov
I put my dress on then put NY pj's on over it and went downstairs to tell Cameron good night
"Night" I said Cameron looked over at me and studied how I look and said "ummm... why is your night clothes so... umm... you know... big😂😂😂 I just glared at him then scoffed and went to the kitchen and grabbed a banana then went up stairs
Once I got up stairs I took my pj's off and grabbed my high heels then jumped out the window
{At the date}
Camila pov
I sat down waiting for him oh and here he comes
~he look like this tho
¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.
"HI" I said awkwardly
"Hey" he replied
After the date (cuz I'm lazy)
We pulled up to the house and I saw mom and dad's car there we said our good byes and I quickly climed through the secret window we have in our hours that leads to upstairs as I went through the dark hallway and I Saw a dark figure in the distance and freaked out then it started getting closer and closer so close I could actually see who it was and it was...
The end
I really hope you like my story so Who do u think it Is? AndsorryagainIhave not been posting well comment follow and vote but for now byeeeee my minions🐤🐣🐤🐥🐣🐥💓💛💜💛💛💓💛💛💛💘💘💛💛💜💜💜💛💜💛💜💛💜💘💜💜💜💛💜💜💚💖💖💯💯💯💯🐖🐖🐽🐽🐃🐮🐃🐍🐃⌚👢