chapter 1

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Chapter 1

(this part is the poeme she writes!!!!!)

I look to the puddle just at my feat.Yet it was like no other puddle, this raging one. For my salty puddle was the sea of tears. My tears shed from my closed puffy; red eyes. And tears from open wounds on my bodes limbs. Who is to care of What happens to me? All the blackness is pain with no relief, peace. Perhaps death too will be as cruel as one Who should love me and fair for me always. So I dare not die not yet at least But it is knocking on my bodes door Just waiting for the  real easing crack of good. By the unknown shadow of life Flash (10 years old, in 6th grade, near the ending)        

(End of poeme!!!!!!!)

All goes black as I write the last words. I know it is my Him yet again. Always my mind goes a blank black, and dead like. Just as my body does. No true pain comes, not even after words any more. When the deadnes leaks away, the pain was only an object that my mind had to surpass. Sometimes I would even push away my scences when I was doing things with objects so that memerires could not be tempted to surface and give me the fleating image of happieness anly to be tacken away again. It was this loss that I could not push away. Though the pushing away came in handy when He or the Clients got bored and left, leting me tend to my wounds (brusies and cuts). When I was done cleaning and dressing I hid the brusies with makeup and the dressings with clath and hair. By the end of the day they would have healed completely and vansished by the end of the day. They did this for I was an werewolf and an werewolf heals almost all that should not be on or in the body, so even in my weakened state I was healing. The healing kept me alive which was a bleesing that ended right their.

He made us live in New York, no woods filled with hiding places and good feeding game, a place that I had to hold my wolf form tight inside of me. Not a good thing, to hold a wolf inside a confind form was hurtfull and coused you to burn more caleries, caleries that He did not give me. What made it worse was that we moved when I was a young girl of five years old. At the time I had only been shifted for two years and still in my wolfs maturing years. In other words I was a pup that was veary vurnable at the time. Losing my mother, the only one who was willing to help me throgh the times had passed causing me to be alone. Thankfully the pack of full wolfs took pity on me and hunted for me and gave me the milk that would keep me stong and healthy.

But that was not pleasing him so he found work in  a place that would have nothing to help my wolf and me grow and be strong. Thankfully a few shifter famillys packed bags filled with the milk that my wolf would nead despertly and salted raw meat. By the time moving day came I had enogh supplys to last me the painfull three growing years. My grandmother gave me the most presues gifts thogh, a book with all that I needed to know and a knecklace that would show any who saw it that I was a veary special were and they needed to do what I said. I wore that necklace always, even when I shifted on a rare acasion, for it was spelled to expand Only when my warmth did. But all these gifts, thogh great, could not keep my srength up. So that would be why I put my pride away and asked the neirbor if she would wlak the dog that He did not know I had. I told her that I had to get some studying and practicing done. All of which is true in a sence. She agreed, cometting on how she needed to get out and lose some weight and get out of the apartment more. She also agreed to pick up the groceries for me if I left the list on the table.

So the next afternoon when she thought that I and He was gone, she let her self in and put on me in Sapphires form an coler with tags and an long leash. We waged our tail at the thought of running free free and getting the much missed exercise. Of course my Saghire, my wolf, was in the mood of making the nice lady  who was helping us, lose weight real quick. How was she going to do that? Well by draging her all over New york as fast as she could with a lady almost being draged around by a leash atached to her neck of corse! Same thing happened for at least a weak before she finally just gave up and bought a extra large harness and an mother long leash too  strap too the bike she bought and hooked us to it so she had a better chance of keeping up and working out at the same time. Once she got the hang of it she did good and was some what keeping up with us! Too sweeten the deal we got to run a lot longer and every time she comes in she gives me a heaping bowl of rice and chicken and one more after. She said it was due to the fact that I looked skin and bones. Which she was right I was, and why it latter got increased to four before and eight after. With it being easier we made plans to go on multiple walks on some days, for about two hours each. 

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