"You need to find your mate!"
I checked my ammo, and reloaded my simple handgun with the rubber pellets. I squinted at the target with pellet dents already embedded and fired twice. They both hit the center of the target, bullseye.
"No thanks, I'd rather stay here and keep training and help others," I called back in response.
"I agree with your mother, it's about time you find your mate." I heard my father speak up as I fired twice again. Both creating an even bigger dent in the middle as it hit the center of the target again.
"Wouldn't you rather have me train? I also thought that father's never wanted their daughter to grow up. What happened to that?"
"You're going to turn twenty in a couple of months and haven't even kissed a boy! Let alone hug one. Besides your brothers and friends," my mother grumbled.
I grunted in response to my mothers word's, shooting at the dummy next to the target. The pellets formed a small hole in the dummy's head.
"Well, you're going to hate us but... we signed you up for the mate chase."
Hearing these words, I spun on my heel, now facing them. Anger radiated off of me in waves and they seemed to absorb it as I started shaking.
"You what?!" I hissed at then.
"Now Paige, don't use that tone with your mother," my father said with narrowed eyes.
I threw my hands in the air exasperatedly and began to shout, "Don't use this tone?! You two are determined to ruin what I've got going on here, aren't you?! I just want to train and live a simple, single life! After all my disappointments I've experienced and then you guys do this to me!"
They both flinched at my harsh words, silence engulfing is. I turned on my heel with a huff, stalking away with my silver laced knife.
"Calm down!" Was all my mother said to break the silence.
How could they do this to me? I have been so good, trained so well, and studied so hard. Then they just seem to throw me to the side like yesterday's trash. I'm not going.
I stopped in front of the ripped up tree with beat up punching bags hanging from the thick branches. I went to work, slashing at the tree, stabbing it in between a couple of slashes. The scent of fresh wood filled my senses as I continued slashing at the thick trunk. I could see the light green, and more was brought to my attention as my slashes became wider and faster. Shredded bark was making it's own pile at the roots of the huge, old tree. I finally stopped, and stabbed the long, sharp blade in the trunk. It stuck firmly as I stepped away, examining my work. The tree seemed a little bit thinner and much greener than before. It had already been green before but now it was even greener, similar to a lime green.
I approached the punching bag, and circled it a few times. In the middle of a right hook, my name was called. I froze, recognizing the deep voice.
"Paige! Paige!" Called my eldest brother, Everr, who was training to become the newest alpha.
What was he doing here?
"Yes?" I called back, ripping my knife out of the hold from the tree's trunk.
"Mom and dad want you back. Something about the mate chase...?" Everr trailed off, eyeing the silver knife with disdain
"I don't want to hear it." I sighed, twirling the knife between my fingers. The silver didn't burn like it would for most werewolves, because the werewolf gene skipped me. Everyone else in my family is a werewolf except for me.
So when it was my sixteenth birthday, and I didn't shift... It broke me. I was so sad, I felt so alone and different from the others that I threw myself into my training and here I am. One of the best warriors you can meet, even in the werewolf world. (Other people's words of course, not mine).
"Well, you're gonna have to." He snapped, then wrapped his long, buff arms around my waist and lifted me up. He then threw me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and spun on his heel, starting towards the direction of the pack house.
"Let me go you doofuss!" I shouted, smacking his back, but not too hard to hurt him. He is my brother after all.
"No. You need to talk to mom and dad..." He trailed off before continuing with just about the greatest news ever, "Oh and by the way, the mate chase is tomorrow."
"WHAT?!" I screeched shrilly, thrashing in his grip. I probably appeared like a human fish, besides the slippery part. Which is why I couldn't break free of his damn hold. Stupid werewolf grip.
Once outside of the pack house, the guard's opened the door with a knowing glint in their eyes taking in the sight of Everr carrying me around over his shoulder with me protesting every step along the way. They nodded towards us respectfully after exchanging a quick smile. I didn't care that I was probably making a fool of myself, I'm not doing the Mate Chase.
"Here she is!" Announced my brother as he plopped me down on one of the long leather couches. I stood up quickly, but he simply just pushed me down onto the couch again.
I sighed, not wanting to fight him. May as well just get this whole thing over with.
"I know that you don't want to do this but you're going to have to do the Mate Chase Paige." My father said, rounding the corner with his hand laced firmly in my mother's.
"I won't even find a mate. I'm not exactly a werewolf," I grumbled at them.
"But you have the genes," pitched in my mother, sitting down across from me. I simply gave her a dead panned look.
"You know what? If I had the genes, I would have been a werewolf. I would have shifted. But instead, I'm like a human. I don't know what to do with my life, but I did know I could rely on training. But you just took me away from that with this whole 'Mate Chase' talk." I made finger quotations around the words Mate Chase.
"To you, all your life is is training. And I don't think that's very healthy." My mother said, before her icy blue eyes settled on me and seemed to pin me in place. You know when your mother gives you that look that seems to hold you down? Yeah, it was that look.
"Training is better than having a mate. A mate can reject you, or be down right horrible," I snapped in reply, crossing my arms defiantly and glaring at my mother in return.
My father sent me a warning glance before sitting beside my mother. He lent forward and rested his elbows on his knees, peering at me under his lashes.
"A mate is what you need. Ever since discovering you couldn't shift... you haven't exactly been you."
I simply ignored my father's remark and got up, dusting invisible dirt off of my ripped skinny jeans.
"Whatever. I will do the Mate Chase but don't expect me to have a mate, or if I do, don't expect me to go rushing in their arms." Was all I said before leaving the three in the living room.
Author's Note-So, I am not a very good writer. So shove it up your butt and get used to it.
Jk, don't want you to be waddling around like a penguin.
But these Author Notes are gonna have little stories or rants or something, just for you guys to enjoy. Because a lot of my friends just laugh at me after my rants, and that is what I want you guys to do.
To laugh.
Some days I may not make you laugh, and I will punch myself for that. But at least I tried right?
*crowd boo's and I get mugged by Ronald McDonald*
Well... okay 'den.
As in the words of Stephanie Tanner herself~

I'm The Alpha's Badass Human Mate
WerewolfThe werewolf gene skipped my generation. Basically I am human, but sometimes weird things happen. Like when I got a mate. And he is an Alpha. A powerful Alpha.