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All these voices,
All these eyes,
All these people,
With all their vibes,

Want you to believe,
that you're not right,
and that to it, you're a foe,
But kid, its your fight.

Its true you're not the only one,
there' a whole lot with the same set of bones,
same set of flesh,
and dreams as that of yours.

These voices want you to quit,
they rather need you to move away.
They are there waiting for you to forfiet,
but dare not let your mind sway.
Put you stay.

What you need is to reminisce,
why the spark you possess for,
and force the universe renders you.
Go kid, like a lion go roar.

Roar the mountains make way,
roar the voices as they sway.
Top a sconce, you'll hear over,
don't quit, you can win, a voice will holler.

This is the voice you need to listen,
this, and no fear can sink an inch in.
This is the voice that'll hover you to throne,
which is nobody's but yours own!

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