Chapter 3 - Could we quit the bullshit?

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Elliot's pov

"Hey! Are you even listening to me?" Darlene asks me.

I'm still thinking about Mr. Robot.

Where would he be? Why would he be gone right now? He wouldn't leave just like that.

"Elliot! God..." Darlene groans. "This is important! You gotta focus!"

"I'm... I'm sorry," I say and look at her. "What did you say?"

Darlene shakes her head. She's looking at the floor. She sighs deeply.

"Fsociety is falling a part," Darlene says and looks back at me. "It's almost all gone."

She looks tired. And desperate. She's going to ask my help.

"Look... Romero is dead. Mobley and Trenton disappeared. Our leader-" she sighs again. "-you went to prison and after that almost died. There's no original members left and the newbies can't do shit..."

"Darlene..." I mumble and look down.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath in, and then let it out. I open my eyes again. I'm looking at my cup of coffee.

"Elliot please..." Darlene says as she tears up a little bit. "I need your help."

"No. I can't. I'm not going back to that," I tell her.

I look at her again. She is silently crying. This is odd.

"Why is Fsociety so important to you?" I ask her as I squint and tilt my head a little bit.

"I... I have nothing else left," Darlene says and closes her eyes. "They killed Cisco."

Her voice is broken. She's shaking. I don't know what to do. Am I supposed to hug her at this point?

"The Dark Army," she says before I have the time to do anything. "They killed him. Right before my eyes."

She looks out of the window. Her eyes look empty and almost lifeless at this point.

"I- I'm sorry to hear that," I say, looking at her. "But I cannot do it."

She looks at me. Deep in to my eyes. She slowly closes hers and nods.

"Alright," she mumbles.

Darlene finishes her coffee and stands up. She doesn't look at me at all.

"It was nice to see you again, Elliot," she says and sighs deeply.

She walks out of the door.

What should I do now? Should I help her or stay out of that path? Do you have any suggestions? Do you know what I should do? Please tell me. What is the right thing to do? She's my sister after all.

Bonsoir, ElliotWhere stories live. Discover now