Chapter 13 - I swear this isn't hentai

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Elliot's pov

Our food arrives. The waitress places the plates in front of us. Tyrell thanks her and she leaves.

I look at my food.

What the hell is this..? Some seafood..?

I look back at Tyrell.

Is he serious? He looks like he is.

I look at my food again.

Okay I got this... It's a seashell... stuffed with tentacles? How am I supposed to eat this?

I lift my head back up and look at Tyrell.

He's waiting for me to go first? Shit.

He looks amused. My hands are sweating.

I swear to god...

"Let me show you," he says, trying not to laugh.

"Thanks," I mumble.

This is so embarrassing.

After showing me how to eat that monster -I mean sea... creature- he starts eating his meal.

"Do you believe in soul mates?" he asks after few bites.

Well that's a surprising one... soul mates?

I slowly shake my head and swallow the piece of tentacle I had in my mouth.

"Fair enough," he says and wipes his mouth with a napkin. "That's what I used to think too."

"Well, what changed your mind?" I ask and take a sip from my drink.

He laughs softly and looks down.

Is he blushing?

"Do you really want to know?" he asks and looks at me again.

I nod. He leans closer to me. He looks straight in to my eyes.

"Meeting you," Tyrell whispers, almost voicelessly.

Bonsoir, ElliotWhere stories live. Discover now