chapter 1

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"get out my house and go to school, so i don't have to see you're face all day goodbye." my so called mother yelled slapping me across the face and throwing me off the bed.

already. i hate my life i really do, but there's nothing i can do about it. im ava, seventeen years old, on my last year of highschool. im a senior this year. i can't wait for this school year to start which would be today my first day.

yes i hate school, but really nobody else should be complaining about school because the don't know what it's like being abused every day of your life by your mother.

i quickly got up and made my bed and rushed towards my bathroom before my mom came back in and hurt me again, which may i say she loves doing.

i already had a purple colored bruise forming on my cheek where she slapped me. after i took a shower, i put a lot of concealer and foundation over the bruise so it wouldn't show. no questions. everything would be okay.

after i got dressed and was ready for the day, i grabbed my phone and school stuff and rushed out the house hoping my mom wouldn't stop me on the way out like she usually does when i leave, but unfortunately she caught me, pulled me by my neck.

i couldn't breathe. "leaving already huh? think your forgetting to tell your mommy good bye and give her kisses" my mom said and finally let go and i had breaths leave my mouth.

"right" i mumbled under my breath, which thankfully she didn't hear.

just then she kicked me in the stomach and yanked me by my neck and threw me against the wall, i kept my eyes shut wanting this pain to end soon.

she the. dropped me and i fell to the ground. i opened my eyes and saw her walk up to her bedroom and slam the door shut. i then struggled to get up but managed to by grabbing the walls.

i eventually made it to my car, i got in and started my car. my stuff was in the passenger seat. i backed out the driveway, my vision was blurry from the tears. i hated living here but i can't leave, i tried before didn't work out so well.

i pulled up in the school student parking lot and parked my car. i quickly wiped my face and cleaned it up so nobody would suspect anything was wrong because at school im a whole different person, im the most outgoing girl in school, mostly everybody likes me because of my personality.

im really nice to everybody, i have a lot of friends but dani is my best friend she's been there since freshman year, im very thankful for her, she knows every little thing about me, and i know the same about her, well she knows everything except the fact that my mom abused me everyday and hurts me, but besides that everything she knows.

i know i shouldn't keep that big secret from her but i have no choice really so yeah.

i got out my car and met up with dani, we then walked to the school gym to get our schedules and locker stuff for this year.

"mornin' ave" she said calling me by the nickname she gave me in our freshman year.

"mornin' dani" i smiled to her and she smiled back as usual.

"have you seen the new kid? he's a senior but very cute must i add, actually he's super hot every girl in this school is going to be falling for him!" she said gossiping as usual.

"i haven't seen him yet but when i do, ill make sure that he knows you think he is hot" i said.

"well since we have different first periods, i have to leave you and go all the way upstairs ill see you later bye" dani said and walked toward the stairs that led to the second floor of the school.

"excuse me?" someone in a boys voice asked tapping my shoulder, i turned around and saw a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes, they were very beautiful he was really cute. i have never seen him at this school before, he must be the new kid.

"hi, im ava you must be the new kid here im guessing, ive never seen you around before" i smiled greeting him.

"yeah i am, im luke, can you show me where my locker is, i don't know where anything is honestly" he chuckled handing me the paper. i scanned it and knew exactly where his locker was, it was right next to mine.

i showed him where his locker was, he knew it was by mine so i could help him find it.

"let me see what classes you have" i said and he handed me his schedule. i scanned it and he had some classes with me.

we had english together which is first class.

"we have the same first period, you can walk with me." i smiled at him as i handed him back the paper. he smiled back and thanked me.

we entered the classroom and almost every desk had someone in it except for like two in the very back so me and luke took those seats. everyone was staring at luke and i could tell it was making him uncomftorble.

"stop staring at him" i said to the class and they stopped.

the teacher im guessing stepped in the room and closed the door. she sat down at her desk towards the front of the room. she looked up at all of us with a smile plastered on her face.

"good morning, im your English teacher this year, my name is mrs. kathy" she said still with that smile. she seemed nice.

"so this year we have a new student at our school and he is in this class, luke would you please stand up for me" she said.

he slowly stood up. "everyone this is luke, he just moved to our school i would very much appreciate it if you all could be nice to him and if he needs help to help him" mrs. kathy said and then he sat down.

"it's okay, ill help you." i smiled tapping his shoulder, he returned a smile and thanked me once again.

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