Chapter 24

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"She is going to bring the lil girl here so I need Teddy in the back to grab Daynah for when I send her back to her room and imma try to talk Storm into walking in as soon as she comes in we knock her out. So Big Sal &Freddy I need y'all be ready in the back of the apartment have the van running and be on the look out. Peepo going to hack the camera around and inside the building. Alright everyone lets get ready."

"Baby we don't have to do this to her, she's going to kill us and I'm pregnant I can't deal with all of this stress" Tasha said on the verge of crying. Sometimes this I want to smack the shit out of her. But I promised her that I won't put my hands on her anymore, plus she caring my seed this would be truly my first child. Since Veronica lied and told me that Daynah is mine, I figured she was because she looks a lot like Veronica I didn't question it.

"Tasha shut the fuck and go get dressed in something sexy" I demanded and pulled her in by her neck and kissed her. "I don't want to hear no more complaining ok" and with that said I pushed her back hard. I need everyone to be on point for this shit to work, I need for Waltz to see I have his niece and Mr.Andrews to see I have his daughter. I'll compromise for 15 mill from each and be on my way. But I need for this shit to work and everything and everyone to be up on they shit.

Maddie/Storm POV
"Daynah you ready!" I yelled up the stair and waited for Daynah to come down. She is going to be 5 next week and I can't wait she'll be going to kindergarten soon and then before you now it she'll be graduating and then get married and ughh. I just want her to stay 4 forever. "Yep!" I see her hoping down the stairs. "Sapph you coming with me" I yelled. "Yeah let me just grab my Docs, speaking of Docs can you buy me some more boots I want the navy blue kind" I swear this girl and Doc Martins, but imma buy her some cause she deserve them. "Man lets go, cause if day text me one more time" I grabbed my keys and Daynah bags if I could I would just keep her.
15 minutes later in the car
"Willlldest dream ahuh annn" Daynah  sung at the top of her lungs. She loves Taylor Swift idk why but I think I'll get her some tickets to go see her. "Can we get ice cream" Daynah asked. "No you do not need all that sweets. Do you want your teeth to fall out your mouth and your gums all black and dirty and.." before I could finish Sapph pinch me and my reflects made me punch her in the arm. "Ouch! what the fuck! Madison" Her eyes started to Water up and Daynah is now crying, I just shook my head. "You pinched me my reflects just came into action my bad and you need to quit calling me Madison ok it's Maddie, Storm, or daddy." She gave me the middle finger and stuck her tongue out. I looked in my mirror and saw Daynah doing the same thing. "Want me to pop you too lil girl, do not do that you hear me" tears still run down her face.
We finally pull up I texted him what floor and grabbed Daynah and her stuff. "Sapph you coming up" I asked before closing the door. "Might as well you cut the car off, trying to leave me in the heat if you want to kill me just say so" I just shook my head. "Talking about staying in the car in this Florida heat" I hear her mumble. I popped her ass so hard and winked at her.
I knocked on the door Day swung the door open "about time you could never do fucking right" he said looking like he just hit a line. "shut the fuck up bitch, and move let me go make sure Daynah alright" I said and pushed the door open more. "Aye who this fine bitch, come on in babe" he eyed up in down it took everything in me to not kill this bitch ass nigga. "Daynah go put your stuff in the room" she ran to the back. "Oh so you like pussy now is that why a nigga never hit, you don't like dogs but kittens are your favorite. Say Storm does she got a nice pretty little one"
"Ok you pushing it now I should..." Before I knew it my hand was behind my back and a cloth over my nose I started to black out and I seen a blurry sapphire struggling as well. Oh someone has to die now.
I woke up to sweat beaming off me. I see sapph is naked and pass out. And I look down to see I was naked as well. I got up to and walked or to her "sapph babe wake up! Wake Up!" Her eyes slowly opened "come on we got to get out are you okay does anything feel different" she shook her head "Yeah I feel ok nothing hurts" I nodded an agreement "dont worry they left my necklace and anklet on me I just has to rip them off and an alarm goes off in Waltz houses, offices, Warehouse etc. it track where we are and him and his army coming." I whispered so low I could barely hear me say it. I pulled them off and throw them. "We are going to be fine" I said and BOOM "YES FINE indeed you both are just gorgeous pieces of art" he pulled the gun to head "kiss her, go head cause this just might be the last time. So fucking kiss her" I didn't move not one inch. "Just kill me already you pussy ass nigga" and I spat at him. "What a waste of spit you could have used to suck my dick" he said while unbuckling his pants. My heart speed up I was slowly slipping out from being Storm right now and going into Madison. Tears started to crawled down my face no never cry. He walked over to Sapph I jumped up but grabbed and they chained ankle. They did Sapph as well. "Ladies we going to have a party no I have lines for each of use beside I have a real nice gift for the both of you a whole 10 inches on soft so which one of you going to make this gift a lil hard hmmm ink, stink, pout, fart out ohh sorry Storm Sapph is going to be starter" and he grabbed her by the head and forced her to suck him. I could do is scream and yell. I begin to get the wave of the cocaine. He pushed her back and spread her legs. "We'll look it hear I have struck gold to virgins wow my lucky day"
He rammed inside her my blood boiling my body beginning to shake. " you asshole!" I blurted out "oh great idea put it her ass see Storm I knew you was a smart girl" I look in Sapphire eyes she seems to be gone that sweet lovely innocent gone her eyes gone dark her screams become whimpers. He walk to me "your turn ma, see if you would have gave me this pussy then I would have spare you so now I have to take it, we gonna have a long night trust I go all night"
It seem like hours has pass my body is now numb to everything and everyone. He finally gave us a break the entire time I was think where Waltz was at is he still alive. "Maddie are we going to die?" Sapph asked me I a shaky voice. "Babe I'm sorry you going through this"
"I love you Madison, when we get out of this please leave this lifestyle behind I know deep down you are tired of living this double life just promise we will grow together" and she held her pink out. "I pinky swear".. The Doors Burst open. " round 2 bitches" and there she was the hoe I thought was my ride or die partner instead she a fake ass hoe "Tasha".

***** sorry it's been a long time but trust me this story is a piece of work I be surprised myself... When I read it but love you guys😘😘😘

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