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Dear _____,
Yesterday at school i did something i never thought i would do. It was good and it was bad. I asked my best friend out. She said she wasnt ready for a relationship yet but she asked me to homecoming as a date date and said it would be a test run. This girl means alot to me. No names but she is gorgeous. She has long dark brown hair that she always has in a ponytail. She has so many amazing things about her. She honestly means alot to me. Im really sad that we arnt dating but im happy that se asked me to homecoming. She is also happy and her happiness is all that matters. I wish today would have been easier. It was kind of awkward because i wanted to hug her and cuddle up next to her...but nobody else knows about us. She says she really likes me back, its just that she isnt ready for another relationship. I cant explain how much i like her. Its honestly crazy. I have liked her for a very long time but i was afraid to tell her. I dont know what was different about yesterday but i told her. I am so thankful to even have her in my life.

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