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Dear reader,
     Im done. I hate this world. It doesnt need me. Nobody needs me nor does anybody care. I could die tonight and nobody would notice that i was gone tomorrow. I thought i was trustworthy. I thought i would be okay. Last night, I was so happy with _____ ,but I dont think she was happy with me. Homecoming was our test date and for a good chunk i was sitting on the bleachers crying. The other part I was trying to smile and I danced. I always hide all of my feelings and I can not do it anymore. Did you know that I have not smiled once today. I keep thinking about yesterday. I hate that I am like this. I wish I was beautiful. I wish I was smart. I wish I could make people happy. I am a literal failure. I can not believe that I tell people I dont lie and then I tell them that everything is going to be okay...because truth is...nothing is going to be okay. Day after day the angels of this hell is suffering. There are very few of us that are angels hidden among all of the demons. Us angels end our lives to get back to heaven becasluse we cant handle this cruel hell. God needs us up above. It takes us a while to eat the forbidden fruit and grow our wings. I am an angel. You are possibly an angel. We are just too much for hell to handle....

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