*3*M.N x Y/N*

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"Millard, I swear to god, as much as I love you put some goddamn clothes on next time we play hide and seek!" I groaned as I trundled through the house. Miss P stuck her head round the corner.
"Miss (Y/L/N), polite persons do not curse." She pursed her lips for a moment before adding. "Polite persons also do not abuse their peculiarities to manipulate others, Mr Nullings."
From the landing up above I heard a voice call down, "We're only playing a game and Claire and Olive love it." My ears perked and I glanced at the two girls who were slumped on the ground stomped their feet in defiance and ran off to find Bronwyn. I glanced at my imaginary watch, 13 minutes 46 seconds, must be a new record for them to stick at one game. Miss Peregrine hmphed and disappeared back behind the wall. I sprinted up the stairwell to where Millard's voice had came from. I held my arms out touching each banister so Millard couldn't escape. I'd gotten too smart for that. I tripped over the carpeted stairs at the top and heard a muffled laugh. I narrowed my eyes and smirked.
"I know you're here somewhere." I tiptoed through the hall and peeked behind the tables and statues feeling the air with my hands. I spied an empty vase of water and picked it up. I wobbled it and pretended to throw it in behind the tables and knooks and crannies. The water threatened to spill over the edge and some droplets did pour onto the ground but the only time I cared about that was when I heard a small gasp. I quickly threw the water case on the table and grabbed the rush of air going past my right side. Millard and I toppled over laughing.
"Found you." I ran my fingers over Millard's cheekbones and rubbed noses with him.
"Yes, you did but I think you may have mildly killed me in the process." He wheezed dramatically.
"Oh shush!" I slapped his arm as he pressed his lips onto mine.
"Miss (Y/L/N) and Mr Nullings! This is not hide and seek!"
Oh look she's alive...
I'm sorry my wifi has been down and nothing has been working for me WMD(iPad,iPhone) wise.
But I'm here now and I wrote this request for nellz09 ❤️❤️hope you like!!
I have no idea what number I'm on and can't be bothered checking rn oops ahaha..🌟

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