Chapter 6

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Chara sets her sites on Papyrus a royal guard in training. She was shocked to see him attack her but he did so, violently no less.

Chara looked at papyrus as saw that he seemed in pain but Papyrus soon gripped his bone with determination.

 "Human you won't deceive me next time because nothing eluded the great Papyrus" Papyrus said to Chara as they walked backward fear slowly entering her mind. then Papyrus smiles as he raises his voice once more. "Human you will not have a bad time someone like you who has taken so much doesn't deserve anything but instead. I'm going to have lots of fun." Chara was frightened by his words.

This wasn't the sweet loving Papyrus she saw in the pacifist route. He was sadder but more vicious and crueler.

Chara knew why but dared not think about that again her mind wouldn't be able to handle it again, so instead, she focused on the battle at hand.

The battle began with a series of bones coming at her in a way that made them even more difficult to dodge.

Bones coming from above, below, left, right, and even diagonal and sometimes all at the same time.

The one thing that caught Chara off guard was the Gaster blaster in more complex patterns than Sans which made it all the more hard to dodge them.

But the pain in her calf made her fall to her knees and hold her calf a mistake that cost her gravely. Gaster blaster surrounded her heart and fired and Chara was too in pain to move her soul and so she almost died saved by a single point but after she stood and looked right Papyrus fear erased from her eyes she was determined to do the one thing she could never do in this timeline.

She clenched her stick in defiance and Papyrus saw her resolve decided it was time to crack his true special attack out, but first he had to test her resolve if she had the will to continue on.

Papyrus summon hundred of Gaster blasters and thousands of bones and focused it all into one single yet controlled attack that wouldn't miss. Chara felt the challenge and stood tall and straight. She was ready and ate a milkshake she bought during her time in Hot land and got ready for this attack.

Chara smiled and then charged Papyrus, not in an attempt to kill or even hurt him but to take this Challenge head on and when she caught him off guard do to the sudden charge and she smacked his head not doing any damage but enough for him to realize what he really was doing.

Papyrus stood there before smirk as his orange eye lit up and he fired his attack straight at Chara and they were very surprised by the attack she knew it was there but she didn't think that Papyrus would ever fire.

The bones broke her bones and the Gaster blaster burned her fleshed until the point she just wanted to die but manage to stay standing enduring all the pain. She thought of that one person. If it was for that person she would do anything for them. They were truly determined as they still stood tall injured but still standing.

Papyrus was still shocked by it all. She was still standing after that gruesome attack. Papyrus smiled and turned his back yo her. "Human I believe in you. You can still do better even you don't think so. I the great Papyrus can promise you that." Papyrus said as he left her to heal.

Right after Papyrus left Chara fell straight to her knee clenching her teeth in pain. The pain was excruciating. Her entire body was in pain but her calf was in even more pain  than before but she manage to limp her to the savingstar and heal her wounds once again and stopped for a moment to catch her breath.

She wanted to give up right then and there after that fight but she knew she had to keep moving forward and whenever she got like this she would think of that person she held so close to her heart and kept moving forward, and this was no exception.

She got up and walked straight to the ruin entrance and opened the door, and a fireball rushed past her head and she instinctively ducked thinking it was Grillby but the flame didn't have the same feel as Grillby but it was familiar and powerful. 

She looked up and froze at who she saw.

A/N thank you guys and everyone who read my story. I hope you are enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it! We did it guys over a hundred reads that's amazing!

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