Chapter 14 | Never Giving Up

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*Steven's P.O.V*

"Stone we'll deal with you later" Matt said as he slammed the cell door. I held (y/n) in my arms she's hurt badly.  I have to do something but what can I do?

"S-Steven..." (y/n) said weakly looking at me.

"(y/n) I'm glad you're awake" I told her I swept her (h/c) hair out of her eyes.

"W-what's going t-to happen to us Steven?" She asked.

"Don't worry (y/n) we'll get out of here" I told her. 

"Okay Stone it's you're turn" Matt interrupted us. I narrowed my eyes at him.

"Okay grunts grab him!" He yelled the grunts tackled me to the ground I kept fighting it took at least 6 grunts till I had finally given in to them. They dragged me into a room and strapped me onto a table. I tried to break the straps but they were to strong.

"Well hello there Mr. Stone now all I want is information on the Mural and what the connections are" A man said "My names Archie by the way leader of Team Aqua" He told me.

"I'll never tell Team Aqua or Magma" I said.

"Well that's you're problem, hit it" Archie said as a grunt pressed a button sending a electric shock thru my body. I wanted to yell in pain but I held it in. I gritted my teeth in pain instead.

"Now tell us Stone or we're going to amp it up" Archie said.

"Never" I told him.

"Fine, amp it up" Archie said. The grunt pressed the button again. Another shock went thru my body. all I can feel is pain I pushed thru I just gritted my teeth again.

"Tell us Stone or you're pain will get even worse" Archie said.

"N-never" I stuttered.

"Matt you know what to do" Archie told his brother. Matt walked over and punched my stomach. I gritted my teeth holding back a scream of pain.

"Stone give in or you'll only get more pain" Archie said.

"I'm never going to give in, I'm never telling you or Team Magma a thing" I said.

*Time Skip* 

"Okay we're done for now Stone" Archie snarled at me. My face was beaten and bruised, my stomach bruised from the marks Matt left, I didn't tell them for (y/n) for the region, I don't care how bruised and beaten I get, I will never tell them.

"Grunts get him back to the cell" Archie ordered. They brought me back to the cell with (y/n) and threw me in. (y/n) helped me up.

"Better be prepared for next time Stone" Matt told me.

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