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A/N: Katherine and Michael at parttayy!!( Ik I'm lame.)


It was finally Friday. I had not seen David the whole week and I was thankful for that. Mary had 2 broken ribs and a sprained ankle. She missed school until today. The whole week I had been hanging out with Oliver and Jack. It wasn't bad. But I was happy to have Mary back. I saw her at lunch sitting there she didn't look as bad as the last time I saw her standing by my locker on our free period and I stared she looked sad but better, "Hi Mary!" I said going towards her, she looked was painfully bitting into a apple, "Sup slut" she said half chewing into her apple, "Hey you going to Michael's party tonight?" She asked shooting her apple into the trash can "Hell yeah" I responded opening my locker. "Well so am I and you know I need to get laid after what I've been through" She said laughing. I rolled my eyes at her while continuing to laugh along.
I suddenly felt two hands slam down my shoulder, I turned around and saw Jack, "Hey" he said smiling."Hello" I said giving him a big smile, he moved over to were Mary was, "So Mary, how's the cheek going" he said giving it a light tap, "Wow hey chill, it still hurts you dumbass"
She said obviously playing around. Amazing his hand away in a childish manner she smiled, at him and continued to giggle as I got my skateboard out of my locker. "Why are you leaving so early?" Said someone from behind me. Me and Jack both turned around and saw Oliver. We stood there laughing like morons and such as Oliver began saying dirty jokes out of no where. Mary following in pursuit. We continued to talk for a while before the final bell rang indicating we could go home. I said my goodbyes and made my way towards the front door. This eerie feeling in my stomach that wouldn't go away. I turned around and saw what was causing it. David. I could see and feel his eyes burning into my skin as he continued to stare. Then almost like he'd been knocked out of his daze he winked at me and the Ed around continuing to speak to the fuckboy elite squad. I turned Ed around as well and began my way home.
Halfway towards the way to my home I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket which cased me to stop. I looked at it and it was a missed call from my mom. I noticed she had left a voicemail so I quickly opened it and listened. "Sweety I'm so sorry to leave in such a hurry but seems that your uncle is having problems with immigration and me and your father have to take care of your cousin's so that child services dosent take them away. I'm sorry sweety I don't know how long I'll be text me when u get this I'm about to board my flight. I love you sweety take care. No boys in the house." She said sternly. I smiled and texted her back telling her I had gotten her voicemail. I decided to walk the rest of the way to my house. It wasn't that far. I quickly stuck my phone back in my back pocket and continued to walk.
As I continued to walk I began to feel the same eerie feeling as before. I stopped and looked around. There was no one e but i was still kind of scared. I grabbed my phone and texted Michael to meet me at my house it was an emergency. He lived closer so it would be easier for him. I then grabbed my skateboard and sped off wanting to get home as early as possible when I felt someone grab me by my waist. I squealed and tried to fight them off before I was pushed into a tree. my hand was muffled and I couls see the person directly in the eyes. It was David. "Seems we have some unfinished business" he said. I started to cry as his hands went under my shirt caressing my stomach and breast. My eyes pleading for him to stop but to no avail. I tried to fight him off but that aparantly only turned him on more. I cried as he squeezed my left boob pretty hard and started trailing kisses down my neck. "Oh dont worry as much as I would love to fuck you right here right now im not going to" he began."Oh no." he said grabbing my chin. "I have better plans on how to fuck you." He began. More tears started trailing down my cheeks. The fear riding within me. Making my knees week and my eyes water. He suddenly grabbed me and kissed me. It was a big and sloppy kiss unlike any other I'd ever experienced. I tried really hard to get off me but yo no avail. Suddenly I felt someone push him away. I cried even more. "Don't you fucking touch her again you fucking cunt" Said Michael begging to hit David I quickly recollected myself and pushed Michael away from him. Then David started taking hits at Michael. "Stop!" I screamed. Both of them turned to look at me. "Please" I whispered. Michael punched him one last time before saying "If I EVER see you near her I will personally kill you. Slow and painfully you little bitch now get the fuck away" with that he came over to my side and hugged me. His hug made my tears go away. "C'mon" he said putting his hand around my shoulder and walking me to my house. "Are you ok?" He asked. I looked at him. "Yes" I said. He shook his head and hugged me tighter. "I'm sorry" he said. "I won't let him ever fucking hurt you again. Ok?" He said giving me a warm smile. I smiled back him and then he said "You dont have to go to the party Tonight, and neither do I. I can stay with you Netflix pizza and ice cream if you want?" He asked. "As great as that sounds. . .I'm gonna have to reschedule. You always throw the coolest parties and I want to get so wasted tonight." Alright then get ready I'll take you to my house and you can help me set up while I get dressed." He said. I nodded and ran upstairs. I decided to wear my 2 piece black dress and some black heels. After changing I put on A bit of makeup and straightened my hair. I put perfume on and grabbed my small clutch bag which contained my phone,lipstick,mascara, breathmints a mirror and my keys. I smiled and walked out. "You look good." Said Michael hugging me once I got downstairs. "Always" I said. I felt the smile radiate off him. We made our way to the door and then towards his house. I set out pretzels and the booze. The weed was in the backyard along with other drugs. The cooler which contained sodas and beer was outside as well. I put up fairy lights around the backyard and his all the important and valuable things. Meanwhile Michael was getting ready. I smiled when he came down. He looked nice. He was wearing some black skinny jeans with a black iron maiden muscle top which showed off his biceps really nicely and his tattoo. He was putting on some Converse when I approached him. "Looking good there Mr.Mares" I said. Just as I spoke the doorbell rang. Before he went to get the door he winked at me and said "Always" I giggled as he opened the door. In an instant the house was full of drunken teenagers already. I had lost sight of Michael and was now wandering around looking for Mary.
After a while I spotted her. She had a drink in her hand and a cigar in the other. "Heyyyy hey heyy guysss look this is my friennd Kattyyy" She slurred obviously drunk. I shook my head and went to find Michael. I found him drinking a beer talking to some of the freshmen this year. I smiled and took Mary towards him. "Look" I said. He laughed.
We continued to mess with drunk Mary for a while before I decided it was time for her to go home. Her mother worked late nights and early mornings so she never really got caught. "Well I think it's time to get her home. I'll see you tommorow?" I said. "Of course" he answered. "But why are you leaving so early. I thought you said you wanted to get drunk. You've only had one beer." I smiled. I did but I have responsibilities. Her being one of them" I said pointing at Mary. He laughed. "I don't want you to leave so early though"  he pouted. I smiled. "I'm sorry" I said. I was about to turn around and leave when I felt someone tap my shoulder. "If you want I can take her home. I was leaving either way and she lives in my street." Said non other than Marcy. I looked at her. About to say so many things before Michael grabbed my shoulders and squeezed them lightly. "Would you please?" He said. Marcy nodded and took Mary's hand. "Thank you" yelled out Michael. I turned to him "What if something happens to her?" I told him. "Marcy is kinda nice don't worry." He said handing me another drink. I smiled and took it. I saw the smile grow on his face."

     A was drinking. A lot. I had taken so many shots with Michael. Then a few beers with other people I did not know. It was safe to say that I was beyond drunk. I stumbled into the kitchen. The drink in my cup spilling from so much movement. I saw A very familiar figure approach me and I quickly stood up. "Michhhaeeelll" I said. "Mikey Mike mikeeyy" I slurred. Holding onto his chest. I felt his chest vibrate a bit as I heard his chuckle. "C'mon" he said picking me up bridal style. "Time to go home" he said. "Nooo nooo noo please this is funn I love your're so fun their so fun.  I love you Michael. You're so great." I said cuddling closer to his chest. I heard him tell someone else something before feeling someone kiss my forehead. I smiled and leaned in closer to Michael. He took me to his car and put me in the passengers seat. Then he got in on his side. As he began to drive all I saw were the pretty lights dancing in the sky. I smiled and laughed at random things. Finally the car came to a stop and I whined "Noo I want to keep moving" I said. I heard him laugh and say "God you're so drunk"
I smiled and then felt someone picking me up. I gave him my bag and he got the keys out. He opened the door a d locked it behind me. Then he took me into my bedroom. I started itching at the dress. It started getting uncomfortable and itchy. I took off the bottom part of my dress. Then my top part. Leaving me in only my underwear. When Michael came into my room I was looking for a shirt around my room. "Oh god" I heard him say. "What?" I questioned. "What are you doing Kate" he said. I laughed. Only he calls me Kate. I smiled. "I can't find a shirt. You know your the only one who calls me Kate." I said. Walking closer to him. He laughed trying to keep his eyes on the ceiling. "I love you Michael. You truly are my best friend. Your so nice and caring." I said. I was now standing right in front off him as his eyes continued to burn into my ceiling. I grabbed his face and pulled it down. Making sure he was looking at me. "Thank you" I said. Then in a spilt moment that slight smug smirk washed away from his face as his eyes roamed my body. Not a moment after were his lips on mine. I did not hesitate. I did not fight back. In fact I sobered up. I do not think I had ever been this Alert. I wrapped my hands around mid neck as the kiss grew deeper. I felt his hands roam to the small of my back. Taking their time in slow simple gestures. This was unlike any of my past sexual experiences. This was better this was softer. In a way it felt right. Yet so wrong. I felt him break the kiss for a while beforehe licked me up and threw me on the bed. Our lips colliding in seconds. I helped him get undressed as well. Taking off his jacket. Feeling around his biceps as his tongue entered my mouth. Exploring every inch of it. Soon enough his pants and shirt where off too. He bit my lip which made me moan in response before leading down towards my neck. Leaving a trail of kisses and hickeys. Down towards my panties. He quickly slid them off before kissing my stomach lightly and retrieving something from his back pocket. He then threw his pants and underwater on the floor. Before thrusting into me. Slow at first causing me to moan. His hands roamed my body squeezing my Breast lightly. He removed my bra in a millisecond and kissed my breast lightly before his lips retrieved towards mine. His thrust becoming deeper which each push he made. Moans escaped my mouth. As I let my hands roam around his hair I smiled as I reached my high. I soon felt him reach his. He threw something away in my trashcan and then layed next to me. He kissed me one last time before crawling under the covers with me. His hands held on tightly to my torso as my face buried into his chest. "I love you too Kate" he said kissing my forehead before I drifted off to sleep.

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