Chapter 1: Joy

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Doctor- Okay, I'm going to need you to give me one more good push! The baby is almost out!

I took the towel and dabbed it on Cassie's forehead and I grabbed her hand again. She looked exhausted. Shit, I would be too if I was pushing a baby out of me.

Suddenly, Cassie started pushing and she almost broke my fucking hand. I started screaming in pain just like her. I heard a cry and a smack and I looked from Cassie's face to the doctor's hands. I saw my little boy get cleaned up and I felt like a proud ass nigga cutting the umbilical chord.

But my joy didn't last long when I heard Cassie scream again. We all whipped our heads around to look at her. Her face was red and the doctors quickly ran to her side.

Doctor- Oh my god, there's another baby!

My jaw dropped and I ran back to Cassie's side.

5 Minutes Later...

We had a girl. Cassie's resting, she needs it. I was sitting in the chair, leg bouncing in anticipation. I can't wait to hold my babies for the first time. Little Victoria Marie came in weighing 6 pounds, 5 ounces, and TJ came in at 8 pounds and 7 ounces. 

I heard a knock and looked up to see the doctor carrying a little pink bundle and a blue bundle. I couldn't help but smile.

Doctor- Two very very healthy babies. 

Earl- Can I hold them?

Doctor- Of course.

He handed me Victoria first. She was so light, and her eyes were closed. She was beautiful, though. She had  Cassie's lips, a head full of hair, and her facial shape. She had my nose and chin. But she was beautiful. I rested Victoria on my left arm as I took TJ. I could tell this was my little nigga. He already had my big lips, my nose, and my eyes. Shit, this was my replica.

I kissed the both of their foreheads, and when I did, Victoria's little eyes fluttered open. They were big and a hazel- green color. She stared up at me and a nigga thought he was gonna cry. I smiled down at her.

Earl- Hi, lil' Vic. It's your daddy. Damn, you're a cute little baby. You must get your looks from me.

I chuckled.

Earl- But uh, I'll always love you and be here for you. And that's your big brother over there. Just know if you ever get a boyfriend, the both of us will kill him. Shit, that's not something I'm supposed to say to a baby, right? Damn it. 

I looked over at TJ and spoke.

Earl- I can tell already that you'll be a crazy little nigga. But I'll always be there for you, too. I won't walk out like my dad did. I'll be there to teach you how to play catch and shit, how to play some instruments, and that other cool shit. I love you, lil' dude.

I began rocking them back and forth and they both started to cry. They must be hungry. Shit, I don't wanna wake Cas-

Cassie- Give them to me.

I looked up at her and brought them over to her.

Cassie- WAit, give me one at a time. 

I nodded and handed her TJ. I watched as she began to breast feed.

Earl- Ay, I'm the only one that get's to do that, TJ.

Cassie laughed and shook her head.

Cassie- This is painful as hell.

Earl- I'm glad I'm not a girl. Don't they get turned on by a baby sucking on their titties?

Cassie looked at me like I had six heads, causing me to crack up. Once she finished with TJ, I gave her Victoria and took TJ. I sat down on the chair with him.

Cassie- Thebe,  you have to burp him.

Earl- How?

Cassie- Okay, act like your gonna pick him up, but have him facing you and hold him close. Then pat his back until he burps. But not too hard or soft. Okay?

Earl- Yeah, I got it.

I began to do so and after a few minutes, he burped.

Earl- Damn, boy! That was a big burp! Up top!

He just stared at me and Cassie laughed.

Cassie- He's gonna be a momma's boy.

Earl- Yea, y-

Doctor- Hello!

Cassie- Hi, Dr. Sucro. 

Doctor- Hey. Now, I have to lay some stuff down for you guys. First off, no sex for six weeks, you still have to heal in your vaginal region. And you and the babies can leave in two days. But in the mean time, you, your boyfriend, the babies and everyone that will be around the babies must get shots. Got it?

We both nodded.

Doctor- Good. And I'm sorry, but visiting hours are over. 

I nodded. He left out the room and I sighed. I was already attached to these babies, I didn't wanna leave at all.

Cassie- Gimme some sugar, Daddy Big Lips!

I laughed and went over to her. I hugged her and kissed her passionately. I then bent down and gave TJ and Victoria kisses on the foreheads.

Earl- Daddy'll be back tomorrow, okay?

They just stared up at me until TJ started to doze off. I gave Cassie a kiss on the cheek before I walked out.

Earl- See you tomorrow, baby. Love you, nigga.

Cassie- Love you too, bitch.

I smiled and walked out, feeling like the greatest man in the world. It's a great feeling, honestly, knowing that I have two more very important people in my life. I can't wait until everyone gets to meet them. Damn, being a father is great. Best feeling in the world.

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