chapter 2

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"his laugh was like a vibrant melody in the lonely fall"

I thought as I heard his laugh from afar, and it then put warm smile on my face.

As I was walking to camp I noticed it is fall time in Neverland, which is my favorite season and Peter knows that. And it's funny since when I first came here, it was always summer here.

During fall time, all of Neverland is vibrant with all the changing colors in the leaves and the trees. Everything is just so calming and neutral, just how I like it. But as I just reach camp I take a deep breath and soak up Neverland since I don't know when I'm going to wake up.

When I enter camp everything is as normal as always. The boys are either doing chores, fooling around or training. And Peter is probably bossing someone around or whatever magical beings do.

But one thing is missing and I'm wondering where - "HEYYY TELLULAHHHH!", ah there it is. "Hi Wesley!" I exclaim, and then pick him up. Wesley is the youngest and my favorite lost boy. He is seven years old, well he is probably older than me but you understand, & he has blonde hair with blue eyes and he is the cutest. Before I can get another word in he starts blabbing like always and he says, " I've missed you soooo much and I have so much to tell you even though I saw you yesterday, but the lost boys were all talking and then someone brought you up and then pan started blushing-."

"Alright Wes, I think we should give Telly her break and let her say hello to everyone else. Why don't you go train with the older lost boys today, yeah?" Peter says as he takes Wesley out of my arms and sets him on the ground. "Wait really? I would love to! Oh my goodness, okay got to go Tellulah, love you!" Wesley says excitedly as he hurries off with the older lost boys.

"Well isn't he a excitable little thing, he's always saying the oddest things, right Telly?" Peter says as you sits criss cross on a nearby rock. "What did I say about you calling me Telly, and what was Wes saying about you blushing about me?" I question playfully, adding a wink. " Oh yeah isn't it from that show in your land called the Telly Whatties?" he says nonchalantly teasing me. He then makes an apple appear in his hand and starts tossing it back in forth. He always does this when he is trying to avoid something. "I've told you before it's the Telly Tubbies," I say as I walk over to Peter and grab his apple out of his hand, " and I know it's hard to ignore Peter, that I'm utterly irresistible." I finish saying as I take a bite out of the apple grossly for ironic effect. "But I'm taken." I say, as I throw the apple at him and walk away.

Then as quick as a whip he starts floating above me while I walk. "May I ask who you are dating?" he asks curiously. "Wesley" I say without trying to laugh. He sighs and lets out a slight giggle. "Okay good because I got worried for the boy who felt bad enough to date you." he says sarcastically and then starts laughing loudly. I try to hide my blush and say "If you weren't flying pixie boy I would've totally slapped off that pretty little smirk of yours." I say letting out a slight laugh.

He then joins me back on the ground and puts his arm around me like usual. "Aw you think I'm pretty?" he says in a baby voice with his hand over his heart for dramatic effect. "Yeah like a little girl." I say sarcastically and hit him in the chest. "Aren't you the feisty one today love." he quips.

I shrug my shoulders and say "Usually only when I'm around you." I say letting out a soft laugh.
We continue walking for awhile, which we always do. Going on walks with Peter is peaceful yet so enchanting, because I look at the beauty of Neverland, but yet really I'm looking at him because it's almost like Peter is the island.

Now I'm just staring at him and admiring my best friend while he blabs on about some lost boy doing something funny, but lately I've been looking at him from a different light. Literally, since the sun is casting the perfect shadows on his face making him look so effortlessly charming and his chestnut hair looks so perfect I just want to run my fingers through it- "Telly, I understand I'm utterly irresistible, but its rude to stare." he says, mocking me from what I said before.

I roll my eyes playfully. I have a feeling I'm going to wake up soon so I'm trying to soak up all of Neverland, and Peter. If only he knew,I thought.

I ignore his little sassy comment and walk up to him and ask "Peter can I show you a magic trick ?"

"Sure Telly, try your best but you suck at these. Plus you don't even have magic silly goose." he says with a smile while he crosses his arms in front of his broad chest.

"I will make myself disappear." I say and wave my hands for dramatic effect. "Just close your eyes and I'll count to three."

"It isn't going to work" he whispers.


T you got to kiss him, I thought


do it

"three, goodbye peter" I say softly as I kiss him on the head.

I then woke up, with a blush on my face. But an emptiness in my stomach realizing I'm back in my world.


As I'm on my way to school I then think about Peter's face after I disappeared and that makes my whole day.


Back in Neverland:

Peter opens his eyes with a blush and on his face.

He then realizes Tellulah tricked him again with her silly little disappearing prank and softly laughs.

Oh that girl is trouble he thought, as he kicks at the fallen leaves and smiles.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Oct 25, 2016 ⏰

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