Chapter II: Hatchlings

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It was five years after they hatched. "Dear I really think it's dangerous for them to be out on their own. You know as well as I that there are creatures that could kill them out there." Said the mother. "Athena, it's fine. If they don't discover things for themselves, they'll never learn to defend themselves." The hatchlings were out at the void. "Come on sis! You'll never win the race against those bullies if you fly like that!" Called Maliki to Infinity Blitz. "I'm trying Mal! Your just too fast and I'm too small." Maliki stopped in place. "Blitz, your not small. Did, did they get in your head again?" He walked over to his baby sister. He started to talk but was cut off by a scream from his other sister. "Come here little brat!" A large dragon called as he flew after Shadow. The dragon, 15,000 years of age, was 20 times bigger than the young hatchlings. Maliki and Infinity Blitz dashed over to Shadow. "Are you okay S?" Asked Blitz. Shadow looked at her. She had a scratch over one eye and her wing was torn up. "Time to play." Said Maliki as he snarled at the competitor. "For you mess with any of us, you mess with me." The dragon hissed. His opponent, named Felquency, grabbed the hatchling in his claws. "You think you can take on me?" He said, snarling. Shadow was laying on the ground until she saw her brother in the claws of Felquency. She stood up and walked towards him. He looked down at her and smiled a sinister smile. "You hatchlings are so cute." He said as he squeezed Maliki to death.

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