yo, explanation!!!!!!

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lowercase intended; chapter lengths vary... well, lengths. may or may not have some rhythm writing in it, depends. also, updates will not be scheduled. i'll update when i have time to update.

i was thinking about sculptures in chemistry [which is when i typed this part and the first chapter lmao] bc recently, in my art class i learned that the egyptians, mostly pharohs, after they died, they would have a sculpture of their wife in their tomb with them so that they would make the journey with them in the underworld as they are weighed by anubis as to what happens to their soul after their death. so i took that, made it into a kind of reincarnation sort of thing.

so, basically, the premise is that jimin was a sculptor way back in his past life and he has lived, traveling century to century looking for the one who travled with him, his "wife" and that is yoongi. i did say mostly pharohs but jimins past self was the one who normally sculpted for the pharohs and his past self made a sculpture after his wife's passing to be buried with him after he passed.

started: 11/01/16

sculptor ; yoonmin (SEE ACC BIO)Where stories live. Discover now