straight and uncool

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yoongi was sat in music class. it was after jimin told him that they shared it, that he noticed the boy wasn't attending classes anymore.

he thought back to a week ago.

after jimin explained everything to him, how he was a sculptor in his past life somewhere in egypt, how yoongi was his "wife," and while their souls were being weighed by anubis, the god of death, they somehow got separated and their spirits weren't allowed to travel in the next life together, blah, blah, blah.

he had just stared jimin right in the eye and laughed. jimin responded with wide-opened eyes that filled with tears once more, then he ran out.

that was the last of jimin that yoongi had seen.

he was grateful that he wasn't being bugged but he felt a little off. it was just a dream, right? it had no real merit to it. maybe jimin was on acid or something of the sort. yoongi would blame it on drugs whether there were any involved or not.

he discreetly checked the time on his phone. twenty three minutes until class ended and he had no classes for the rest of the day. he'd just go back to sleep probably. there was not much to do. but he wanted to avoid going to the party namjoon had told him to go to so he would just go to some shops.

the door clicked and he still faced foward not caring until the professor spoke, it was the name that caught his attention. "jimin, glad to see you've joined us again." he turned much like the rest of the class had and watched as the boy mumbled an apology and shuffle over to his seat.

jimin had his head down the whole time but when he looked up, he stared right at yoongi who sat diagonal from him. next row over and three seats in front. yoongi looked back at him but quickly turned when he noted that jimin wasn't going to be the first to look away.

before, yoongi hadn't noticed him. now he can't ignore him as the gaze is targeted on his back, right at him. he prayed for the class to end.

twenty minutes. twenty minutes he felt the stare. twenty minutes he could not pay attention to the professor. as soon as the class was dismissed, however, he shot out of his seat.

he had never sprinted so fast. the engine turned on with a loud rumble. but the passenger door opened. yoongi could see in his peripheral vision exactly who it was.

he was noticing many things about him after not seeing him for a week. his beautiful skin tone that was complimented by his mop of red hair. the small eyes that had a little puff to them. thick lips. amazing jawline. nice arms and what seemed like a good-looking body underneath a tight, white button up shirt, and black skinny jeans. his favorite part was the eyes. they were expressive. and they were looking ahead at a brick wall as yoongi's hands gripped the steering wheel.

"yoongi," jimin spoke and god, how could yoongi forget that voice? that beautiful, lovely voice? "aren't you going to drive?"

"i- i... uh, yes." and yoongi felt that was rather uncool of him but it was what it was. he pulled the car out of park and he was on the road with other moving cars. it was silent. the radio was low.

yoongi didn't know why he was driving with jimin sitting in the seat next to him. he could have kicked him out. but he somewhat missed being bugged. only somewhat because he noticed the calmness and stillness of his life without the perpetual disturbance that came in the form of a most likely batshit insane boy with expressive eyes and plump lips.

but no, yoongi only noticed those features as they would be ones on his ideal girl. it wasn't jimin. at least that's what he told himself. purely to entertain and satisfy his curiosty until it became an annoyance again. that was jimin. the jimin next to him who remained silent and staring out the window. he didn't say anything and yoongi didn't either. he had no idea of what to say. but jimin finally spoke when they reached a red light.

"look, about last week, i'm really sorry. you're right. i am off my rocker or something. ignore everything and have a nice rest of however long you may live." and with that, he opened the car door and walked out on to the sidewalk as the light turned to green, slamming the car door, not looking back as he walked back to the general direction of the college.

the car behind him started to honk its horn as yoongi sat with his mouth agape.
he was that one uncool idiot who held up the busy enough traffic.
he didn't care. he flipped them the bird and confusedly made his way home. thinking about a boy that he shouldn't really even be thinking about.
because he was totally straight.

sculptor ; yoonmin (SEE ACC BIO)Where stories live. Discover now