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niall wakes up disoriented.

he's where he expects to be -- smushed between justin and zayn. justin is spooning him and zayn is curled around the other side of niall, an arm tossed loosely over both of them. niall manages a small smile and tries to roll over without waking zayn up.

"hey, princess," justin whispers, and niall gasps, startled. he hadn't known justin was awake, and he gives him a sleepy smile.

"hi," niall mumbles, rubbing his eyes. "where are we?"

"sleepy little thing," justin responds, kisses the top of his head. "seattle," he adds, to answer niall's question.

he's been on tour with them for about two weeks now, and it's been crazy. it's exhausting -- he doesn't know how they do it all the time. he's more tired than he's ever been in his life, probably, but it's worth it. he's with them almost all the time, and despite their exhaustion, they always make time for him. zayn has even pulled him onstage a few times, making a big deal of him being their boyfriend.

niall nods. "do you have a concert tonight?" he can't keep track of their schedules at all, but it seems like a while since they've had a day off.

"yeah," justin answers, and niall pouts. "don't pout, baby boy. after tonight, we get a week off. just one more concert, yeah?" justin is smiling a little, and that makes niall feel better.

"okay," niall smiles, nuzzling his cheek against justin's chest. he wraps his arms around his waist, and justin lets out a little surprised chuckle and pulls the cutie closer.

"you're cuddly this morning," justin notes.

"i deserve it," niall responds cheekily, and justin rolls his eyes. "i love you."

justin's heart melts every time niall says that. god, he didn't know he could love anyone as much as he loves these two. "god, you're so fucking cute," justin groans. the sound gives niall goosebumps. "i love you, too. more."

"you wish." niall's voice is muffled because his face is buried in justin's shirt.

"fight me about it," justin jokes, and niall giggles.

"swing first," niall teases. justin balls his fist and pretends to swing to punch niall, but just ends up using that hand to hold niall's face still so he can pepper kisses all over. "stooop," niall whines loudly, squirming.

"are you terrorizing my princess again?" zayn's sleepy voice asks, voice gravelly. his arms encircle niall's waist and pull him to safety, away from justin. niall shivers at that sound, too.

"sorry," justin answers. "we didn't mean to wake you up."

"good morning!" niall chirps, knowing that once zayn is up, he's up.

"morning," zayn laughs back. god, he loves waking up to this. niall, with his sleepy smiles, mussy bedhead. justin with his dimples, sleepy eyes, everything pale and safe. "what time is it?"

justin checks his phone. "almost ten," he answers.

with a yawn, justin gets out of the bed and makes his way to the bathroom. niall rolls over to face zayn, plays with the end of his pajama shirt.

"do you get nervous for your concerts?" he questions.

zayn rubs his eye. "hmm...i used to. performing by myself, anyway. now that i'm performing with justin, it's a lot...i don't know. it feels safe, maybe. plus knowing you're there, too."

niall is smiling. "i like that," he mumbles. "knowing you think of me."

zayn kisses the top of his head. "always am."

- - -

niall loves this, the concerts. he understands why they do it -- high energy all the time, being supported by people who love them. people who love them so much. he sees people weeping, they love them so much -- almost as much as he loves them.

so he never objects when zayn pulls him onstage. justin does it tonight, actually, literally tossing niall over his shoulder and running onstage with him in arms. niall is laughing uncontrollably, barely able to breathe when justin puts him down from laughing so hard.

"you okay?" justin asks, voice echoing from the mic. niall nods, and justin kisses the top of his head and continues with the show. he even makes a point of singing one less lonely girl (changing the lyrics to boy) and makes niall sit on the stool so he can serenade him. niall blushes bright red the whole time, feeling almost overwhelmed by the attention.

when the show is ending, zayn and justin make their way down the runway to high five fans. niall goes with them, and he's greeting fans on the opposite side of the stage when someone grabs his ankle and pulls. with a cry, he falls into the crowd. someone yanks at his hair, his clothes, and somehow he ends up with a mouthful of blood. he's scared to the point of tears, and he squirms desperately, screaming justin and zayn's names. he kicks as hard as he can until someone drops him, and he's scrambling to his feet when a security guard grabs him under the arms.

niall can't even see he's crying so hard, and he continues to sob out zayn and justin's names as the security guard helps him out of the crowd. he takes niall backstage where their management is waiting, despite niall begging him to take him back to his boyfriends.

"i'm so sorry," their manager says, and the tour nurse comes to check up on him. all he has is a busted lip and a sore spot on his head from where they pulled his hair, and all he desperately wants is to see his boyfriends.

finally, finally, the door is opening and there they are. niall doesn't even remember moving, just suddenly, they're holding him. zayn is cupping his face in his hands, frowning over his split lip, and justin is frantically asking if he's hurt anywhere else.

niall doesn't really feel safe again until he's back in bed with his boyfriends. zayn is spooning him this time, rubbing his side gently, and justin is facing his front, brushing his hair back.

"i'm so sorry, sweetheart," justin whispers. "i never wanted you to get hurt. i'm so, so sorry."

"it's not your fault," niall mumbles sleepily. he wants to sleep off the pain of the day, to forget, but he wants to make sure they know. "really. it isn't. i'm not mad at either of you."

"the security guards should get fucking fired," zayn mutters bitterly.

"immediately," justin nods. niall just shuts his eyes. he knows he can't say anything that would change their minds. but he's okay. he's okay, he's safe, and he's with them, and that's all that matters.

he don't like the lights ♡ ziall/zustin/jiall au [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now