Interview #50 - itsagemini

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Interview #50 - itsagemini

Username: itsagemini

Age: 16

Book You Want Us To Read: Monsoon Days

How You Found Us: Under my recommendations

First Of All, Who Are You? I am a sixteen year old girl who is very passionate about her writing. I've been writing for as long as I can remember, and don't intend to stop anytime soon. It's something I have always enjoyed doing, truly.

What Is Your Book "Monsoon Days" About? 'Monsoon Days' is a short story about childhood sweethearts, Jemma and Harry. It follows their entire journey through the monsoon season, and tells the story of how they part, and whether or not they'll ever be together again. It came to me very late at night, and I got writing it immediately. Still, I'm incredibly proud of it!


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