chapter one

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Long fiery curls flew through the forest, weaving around trees with a small black mist at their side. The girls ran merrily, hand in hand, as their father pranced after them. All of them laughed in delight as they reached the meadow. And instead of running further, the girls turned and tackled their father to the ground. The laughs continued as they lay in the soft green fur of the land. Rose Red layed on fathers right arm, and Snow White layed on the left. The laughing ceased, but the smiles remained.

Rose Red is the oldest, but only by a year, and is extremely beautiful. Though she is now only six, her loveliness enchants everyone. She has been seen as a rarity ever since she was born. Her glorious emerald eyes, small sweet freckles, and intense blazing locks. Not many redheads inhabit the village, but out of all, Rose Red is undeniably the most beautiful. No one knows where her red hair came from though; her mother's hair is a deep chocolate and her father's is as black as night. Her blissful eyes, however, she gets from her father. And from her mother she inherits soft, peach skin.

Snow White is indeed the polar opposite of her sister. She is too very lovely, but does not compare to Rose Red. Snow white was given her name because of her blemish-free, porcelain-pale skin tone. She looks exactly like her mother from face to toe, her hair though is a gift from her dear father. A spirraling combustion of obsidian grace. Snow White's eye color, like Rose Red's hair, is a mystery. Her mother's eyes are an ocean blue, and her father's a bright malachite, like Rose Red's. Snow White's eyes are a light, shimmering, caramel brown. And unlike her big sister, Snow White hasn't a freckle anywhere.

The three of them lay there, staring at the clouds with wonder. The sun began to wane and the girls grew weary. So father decided to tell them a tale.

"Girls," He began, "You two are both very special, you know that?" Their young eyes stared up at him. Snow White in confusion and Rose Red in awe.

"What do you mean Papa?" Rose Red asked, her eyes sparkling with anticipation.

"Well, you know those two rose trees we have outside the main window?" He asked. The girls nodded. "And you know how when in the spring and they bloom, one red one white?" The girls nodded again, both yawning right after. "Well, when you where born, your mother wanted to name her two beautiful daughters after those trees. Snow White and Rose Red."

"Papa, you've told us that story before." Rose Red pointed out, and the girls both giggled, nestled into their father's chest, and slowly drifted off to sleep, holding each others hand. Papa smiled and held them close as the sun waved goodbye from behind the trees. Soon, the sun would sleep too.

The next morning Rose Red woke up to her mother's smiling face. She sprang out of bes and frantically looked around, asking for Snow White and Papa.

"Where is Snow and Papa? Mommy, where is Snow?" Rose Red pleaded. Mommy set a soft hand on Rose Reds cheek and said everything was alright. Snow White was in the bath and Papa was out hunting wild hogs. Rose Red calmed down and smiled at her mother's growing belly.

"You and Snow White will have a new baby brother or sister soon." Mommy smiled, "Are you excited?"

Rose Red nodded and gently placed both hands n the belly. "I hope I have another sister as wonderful as Snow. But a baby brother would also be nice. Do you think he would like the name Peter?"

Mommy laughed a little and continued to smile, "I think he would love that name. But what if it is a girl?"

"Ask Snow. It's only fair if I name the boy and she name the girl."

Night came and everyone sat down to dinner, said grace, and began to eat. Rose Red asked Snow White what to name their little sister. Snow White thought for a while then smiled and said, "I would like to name her Willow."

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