Chapter 2

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Mike had been working at the mill for 24 years, and because of that, he had worked his way up to CEO. He got to set his own hours, but he liked staying up at night so he worked nights. CEO also had very good pay.

          He got paid $108 an hour. That meant for one single night he got paid $1,296. Growing up, Mike's parents hadn't had any extra money, so when he became CEO he promised himself, and Lucy that she would have the best of everything.

          He kept that promise too. He bought her a 7,000 square foot house in Beverly Hills, and gave her the biggest bedroom which was slightly over 1,000 square feet.      Her bedroom had a 500 square foot bathroom, and a 750 square foot closet. Lucy also had a seperate bedroom for a filming room since she was a youtube beauty guru with 1.8 millions subscribers. She had the best of electronics, the best car, best makeup, best clothes, best everything.

          Yes, Lucy had everything she wanted, and could get anything she wanted, but she was in no way, shape, or form, a spoiled brat who cares about nothing but her. Lucy was one of the nicest (and most popular) girls in her entire school.

          So the next mornig, as Lucy and Nate were getting ready like they usually did the morning after she had a dream, Lucy was already planning out her busy afternoon. When she was done writing it down, she

looked over her neat print to see if she was forgetting anything.

          -Period 1 (Drama) look for last year's scripts

          -Lunch: Go home to pack spare set of practice clothes

          -Cheer Practice 2:30 early dismissal for cheerleaders

          -After Practice Shopping: New hand bag

                                               Halloween Costume

          -Movie with Nate 7:00 :)

          Every morning if Lucy had time she liked to write down anything important into her agenda that she might otherwise forget about. That way, she didn't forget!

          "Babe, we gotta go." Nate said. Lucy looked up at the clock that sat next to her sink.

          "Oh shit," she said to him,"It's 8:03! My dad's going to be here soon!" Lucy hurried out the bathroom, and into her closet to grab her shoes, and a handbag. She ran into her bedroom, grabbed her books off of her desk, and ran downstairs to Nate, where he was waiting in the drivers seat of her black, mustang convertible. She flung open the door hurrying to get in the car.

          "Here. Eat this." Nate said as he handed her a banana.

          "Thanks," Lucy said, "Wait a sec, Babe! You forgot to park your truck out on the street!" Lucy said to him as they got closer to the gate that led to the actual street.

          "Babe, take a breath. If your dad mentions anything, we can say that we wanted to ride together since we have errands to run this afternoon. It's no big deal." Nate said calmly as he pushed the button to make

the gates open.

          "Ok, ok." Nate reached his arm down to find Lucy's hand. When he grabbed a hold of it, he kissed her hand, then her arm, and all the way her arm until he got to her lips. He let go of her hand, grabbed her lower thigh, and gave it a squeeze. Then he patted her leg, and finally grabbed hold of her hand again.

          When they got to a stoplight, Nate looked over at Lucy. "Damn, you look hot." He said to her.

          "What?" she asked, "I don't look hot everyday?"

          "You look hot everyday,but," he said kissing her, "you look even more hot than usual."

          Lucy blushed,"Thanks, and you look even more handsome." she said as she leaned over to kiss him.


          As they pulled into the school parking lot, Lucy could already see everybody staring at her car as they passed each student. At first Lucy didn't like all of the staring, but she had gotten used to it.

          Nate pulled into her parking space, and cut the engine. He got out of the car, and walked around to the passenger side opening up the door for Lucy. He held his hand out for her, and she took hold of it. Then once she was out of the car, she let go of his hand, and wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him one last kiss before school started.

          Nate walked towards the gym just as a group of girls headed towards her. "Hey Lucy! I love your outfit!" said a short red head with freckles, and purple contacts. Lucy glanced down at her outfit.

          She was wearing a black, high necked dress, with lace polk a dots. Over the top of the dress, she was wearing a magenta cardigan, and matching magenta wedges.

          "Ummm thanks," she said to the girl," Do I know you?"

          "My names Maggie. I'm a freshman here. I love watching your youtube videos, and last night when I found out you went to school here, well I couldn't wait to meet you," Maggie continued to ramble on," You have no idea how cold I am! I've been standing out here since 6:50 waiting for you to get here! I didn't know if you got here early or late, so I got here early, but then a friend of mine told me that you get here everyday around eight. I so wish she would've told me that sooner!"

          Lucy smiled," Well, I'm flattered you stood out here in the cold for so long just to meet me, but I should probably get going."

          "Wait don't go yet! Can I just have you sign my jacket?" Maggie asked with a pleading look.

          Well, this isn't weird at all she thought to herself, but outloud she said,"Sure I'd love to!"

          As Lucy was signing Maggie's jacket, Maggie continued to talk,"You sure are lucky to be so rich, and have such a cute boyfriend. When are you going to post another video? What's it going to be about?"

          "He is cute isn't he? I'm going to try to have a video posted this weekend, but I'm not sure what it's going to be about. Any suggestions?"

          "OMG! I can't believe your asking ME for video advice! Your like, the queen of youtube! Do you think you could do a How to Get a Boyfriend video? I've tried everything, but guys just aren't that interested in me. Maybe you could make two videos out of that topic! From your point-of-view, and from... What's his name? Nate? Nate! Do a video from his point-of-view!"

          "Ok, I'll put that on my list!" Lucy said as she handed back the sharpie.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2013 ⏰

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