The Intruders

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I go to the chambers where the hybrid is being held to see if it finally awoke. When I get arrive to the chambers there are 4 guards blocking the cell the hybrid is in. I walk to the door and take out my hand gun before opening the door. The hybrid is back into its human figure rather than being in it half wolf half human figure it was just a few hours ago. I walk towards the hybrid and put my hand on his shoulder. He looks up to me with his warm brown eyes as if asking me to help him. I help him up off the floor and take him to the interrogation room where I'll ask him some questions. He is so weak I have to have the guards get a wheelchair to get him to the interrogation room. Once I have him in the room handcuffed to the table I start asking questions.

"What's your name?" I ask trying to start of nice before the real questions start.

"Zach." He answers quietly.

"Well Zach, why are you here? How did you find us?"

"I..." he hesitates. "I don't know. He forced me to come and attack. I wouldn't have been here if he wasn't so abusive." he says in a tone of fear.

"Who is he Zach?"

"He... He's our leader. His name is Claus."

I gasp at the name. Claus is dead. I killed him. How the hell is he alive? I stare at Zach just thinking. Claus is alive.

"Zach. Are you sure it's Claus?" I ask him making sure I heard him correctly.

"Yes. Your trying to figure out how he's alive aren't you?"

"Yeah I am. Do you know who I am?"

"Yes. Claus has told us about you. Your name is Elizabeth Young, Daughter of William and Amanda Young. The strongest vampire hunters known."

"Did he tell you what I did to him?"

"Not exactly. He just told us the stuff we 'needed' to know." He puts air quotes around the words needed.

"Who changed you?" I ask him. He definitely did not choose to be like this.

"Claus. But there is a cure to change me back to a mortal."

"What is this cure?" I simply asking him thinking it is like a kind of spell or some plant only found in Bulgaria.

"It's the blood from a member of the Young family." He says. No. That's not possible. But could it be?

"So if you brink my blood you will turn mortal again?" I ask him totally confused.

"So Claus says." He says looking like he has seen a ghost. I turn around and see that Jace is standing in the doorway. I get up from the seat I was sitting in and walk over to Jace to see what he was doing.

"What the hell are you doing Jace? You can't just pop into the room at any moment you would like to." I tell at him.

"I was just checking on you gosh." He groans acting like a girl. Sometimes I swear that he is a girl.

"Well would you like to ask him anything? He's not going to be executed. I can cure him." I tell Jace knowing he will ask me how I'm going to cure a demon.

"There is a myth that only blood from the Young family can rid a demon of its powers." I start to explain. "I'll bag up some of my blood and have him drink it and see how it works. If it works we will nurse him back to 100% health then he can go back to his home."

"Elizabeth you know it's not going to work so why try?"

"I have to try because the look in that boy's eyes is just torture."

"Do what you need to do. I'll be going now. Goodnight Elizabeth." He says before he walks over to me and kisses my cheek. He hugs me putting his mouth close to my ear and whispers "Please be safe. I care about you too much." And with that he walks away.

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