New Friend!

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Mark and Jack feel back asleep a while ago and now I'm getting bored. I get up from the chair I was sitting in and I walk over to the balcony. My H/c hair flows gently in the cold breeze.

I see cars driving to their own destination, people walking among the streets, tall office buildings towering over smaller apartment complexes. It is still early morning so there is not many people, but still a good amount. I step out further onto the balcony walking over to the railing. I lean up against it and look below me. I see a hand-full of people walking on the pavement bellow me. I stare, as I see a select few people look at me and flash me a smile. I smile back or wave.

I hear footsteps behind me and I look to see Seán standing in the doorway.

"Good morning sleeping beauty." I say with a chuckle. He just laughs a small bit and walks up next to me, peering down at the view.

"I want a Slurpee or candy or somthin'." He states.

"Me too Seán, a Slurpee sounds nice right about now." Seán seemed like he was now a little more awake by my mention of wanting a Slurpee as well.

"Okay then, you should be free to leave this afternoon. We can go to the store after we get out of ere'. Kay? Also, call me Jack, I prefer it." I just remembered that I was still in a hospital. I gave Jack a big toothy grin.

"Kay." He gave me a smile back then I hear a loud 'BOOM' come from inside the room. I turn around and look into the bedroom, Mark is laying on the floor groaning in pain.

"Awe! Did poor little Markipoo fall?" I mocked him with an evil smile hinting at my face. Mark glared at me, then gave me a sarcastic smile.

"Why yes Y/n, I did just so happen to find the floor a little more comfortable. I think that this VERY uncomfortable hospital bed is just a little too high-quality for me." I snorted out of laughter from his comment, I couldn't breath I was laughing so hard.

Jack started laughing too. Then there was a knock at the door. A nurse walked in with a tray of, what seemed to be, breakfast for the three of us.

"Hello Ms. Y/L/n, you will be able to leave in the next hour or so. I have brought breakfast for the three of you. Also, if you don't mind me asking, are you all related?" She looks between Jack, Mark, and I. Mark stands up and walks over to Jack and I. He wraps his arm around us both.

"This lovely young-lady is our  daughter." I look at Mark in bewilderment.

'He doesn't mean he is actually going to adopt me? Is he?!'

"Really Mark?!" He nods his head, as does Jack. The lady gave us a slight nod and a smile.

"Alrighty then! You three have a safe trip home." I gave her a smile and a wave.

"Will do ma'am!" Jack says. She giggled and waved goodbye, exiting the room closing the door behind her.

"Are you serious Mark? Are you both going adopt me?" He nodded his head and embraced me in a warm hug. Jack joined in as well.

"So? Are we still up for that Slurpee?" Jack looked like he really wanted one. I nodded my head vigorously.

"Yep! Lets eat breakfast first." Mark and Jack nodded and we all ate.

-Le Tyme Skip-

As Jack and Mark gather all of their things from the room, I step out onto the balcony one last time. I gaze over the city in astonishment, it is a gargantuan city.

"Come on Y/n! We are heading to the store now!" I sprang back into reality and skipped over to Mark and Jack gracefully.

"Okay!" We all left the room closing the door behind us. We headed down to the front desk and we waited in the waiting room.

My Heroes In Headphones (Adopted by Markiplier and Jacksepticeye) SLOW UPDATESWhere stories live. Discover now