Where it begins

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I'm on my bed listening to music when there's a knock on the door. "Come in" the door squeaks open and my mother's head appear from behind the door. She is holding up an envelope to me, "The letter came!" mum says as she  jump's up and down like a teenage girl at a 1D concert. I don't understand. What letter? And from who? Then I remember, it was the letter from the university I am trying to get into (Swan-View University). I spring up from my bed and take the letter from my mother's hand's. I rip it open, wanting to know whether I got in or not. I read through the letter, skipping through some parts, I come to the end of the letter, I couldn't believe it, I'm still trying to taking in what had just happened. "What's wrong?" mum asks. I stay  silent. I can't believe what just happen. Mum picks up the letter and reads it. A loud squeal comes from her mouth. My dad comes running up the stairs to see what had just happened. "Is everything all right up there?",  My mother shows my father the letter from the university. "You got in!! That's fantastic!!" Dads practically shouting. I couldn't believe it! I got into the university I have always dreamed of!

Today's the day I leave my parent's to start my great life. I pack my stuff into my suitcases and take them downstairs into the living room. "Honey." I turn around to find my parents sitting on the couch together holding hands. "Yeah?" my mother walks out of the room then comes back with a small envelope, she passes it to me, "Only open it when you are desperate, and use it well." my mother smiles at me, I look down at the envelope, it has a strange feel to it. I then look over to my father for help, but he just winks at me. I am try to figure out what my parents have given me, when all of a sudden a car horns outside. It was Ambrosia's car. She is also going to university with me, she had also agreed to pick me up and take me to Swan-View University. I hug my parents good bye and walk outside into the spring air. I roll my suitcases down the path and try to imagine what my dorm would look like. "Olive!!" Ambrosia, Nina and Sarah jump out of the car to greet me. These three people are my best friends, we have been friends since high school and Sarah and Nina are going to same university as Ambrosia and I will . "Hey. What are you guys doing here?" I am surrounded by my three best friend. "We're here to help you, dummy" says Sarah, "That's what friends do!" Nina says. "Thanks guys. Your the best!". I put my suitcases into the boot then go back up to the house to say my very last good byes to my parents. "We love you cupcake" my dad says, mum is sobbing too much to even talk, "I love you too. I'll ring you when I get there, and tell Dylan (your older brother) I said good bye." I walk down the path and into to the car, as we drive off my parents wave to me and I wave back.

We arrive at Swan-View University. I am so excited, I can't wait to meet my roommate, I was told that she is a sophomore, so that means I'll have someone to guide me around the place. As we walk into the campus the place is packed with people. We walk up to the entrance and ask around for directions to dorm number 368 and 307. After a bit of asking around we're finally given directions to our dorms. As we walk up the stairs Sarah and Nina help Ambrosia and I carry our things up to the third floor. We first get to Ambrosias dorm, dorm 307. The room is very spacious with a window at the end of the room. After meeting Ambrosia's roommate and unpacking some of her things we continue on to find my room. We reach dorm number 368, the door is painted black with silver numbers 368 glued in the middle of it, "Well, I have to go now coz I have a class in 5, I'll catch you later." "Yeah same here, sorry we can't help you unpack." Nina and Sarah say. "It's okay. I'll talk to you later then." Nina and Sarah then walk down the hallway and disappear. I can't wait for my classes to start! My major is cinema and media studies. I take a deep breathe and pick up my luggage, I knock on the door and wait for an answer. Theres some muffling noises coming from the other side of the door, then the door swings open, from behind the door stands a tall skinny girl with really long hair, she has a tattoo on her arm reading 'Yolo'. "Hey, you must be my freshman roommate" her voice is soft with a hint of excitement. "Yeah. Hello Im Olive. Nice to meet you." "Nice to meet you too. Come inside." She gestures into the room behind her. "Here let me help you carry that." She picks up my suitcase and takes it into the room. "Thank you."The room is just like Ambrosias, just instead it is filled with my roommates things and soon mine. "Hello, my name is Lauren and I'm a sophomore here. Please, make yourself at home." She sticks her arm out in front if me. "Thank you very much." I say as I take her hand and shake it.

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