Sirius Black

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Lyla P.O.V

Night patrols were agony. I met several people out of bed and I just smiled at them and told them to be more secretive before letting them go. I had also talked to Snape about Mum and Dad.

"Professor Snape" I called through the dungeons.

"Yes Lyla" he said once I had been granted permission to enter his office. It was decked out in Slytherin green and Silver as well as jars of ingredients including live water animals and several disgusting looking eyeballs.

"I have a message to pass on to you" I said bracing myself.

"and who might that message be from" He asked curiously.

"Mum and dad" I said quietly, "but it's good" I said hastily when his face paled of all colour.

"Yes, what would this message be" he said stiffly.

"Well, yesterday, when I was talking with them, I mentioned how you were my favourite teacher and mum says that she is sorry for not forgiving you and accepts your forgiveness now if you are willing to give it to her, and Dad would like to say he is sorry for humiliating you and gives his thanks for discreetly looking after Harry, even if you had a grudge on him because he looks like Dad" I said in one breath. Snape's face went through a range of emotions before he smiled. A true smile, one I had never seen before.

"I never meant to call Lily that, it just slipped out, I haven't uttered that word since, and Potter, I guess i'm kinda sorry for fighting him to, but he was all I wanted to be, he was brilliant at Quidditch, popular, he had friends that liked him, Jealousy made me ruthless" Snape said quietly.

"As it does everyone, but i'm glad schoolboy grudges are over" I said smiling. Snape looked content and that made a great change in his lifestyle. That week was just different as it came around. Snape began discreetly treating Gryffindors better and showing less favour to Slytherin but treating people more equally. He was still strict but he was fairer which was a nice change. He began to slowly give points to Gryffindor for correct potions, and stop picking on them but rather sit at his desk and mark tests.

"Mr Potter, Lockhart wishes to see you and Lyla in his office" Snape said one lesson which I was attending for fun.

"Sure thing professor" Harry said standing up and putting his books in his bag.

"Do I really have to" I whined.

"Yes Lyla, profesor Lockhart required you specifically" He said sneering at Lockharts name.

"But he's so full of himself" I said.

"Well I could pretend that you were with you parents as long as you tell Lil's she has to send me down another Lily with you" Snape said with a sly smile.

"Thanks sir, I sure will, could you maybe also tell Lockhart that he's a jerk" I asked hopefully.

"Unfortunately I can not do that Lyla, but I can tell him you have something to say to him when you next see him" Snape offered.

"Thanks Sev, see you later" I said walking through to see Mum and Dad. One thing I didn't miss was the looks the class were giving. Some were amusement, some were shock and some were raised eyebrows.

"Whats got you here so early Lyl's" Dad asked when I entered the house.

"Professor Lockhart called for me and Sev said that he could tell Lockhart I was with you as long as he gets a Lily from Mum" I said smiling.

"Well that can be arranged" Dad said smiling.

"He's changed heaps, Sev I mean, he's being fairer towards the other houses that aren't Slytherin and he's become considerably nicer to everyone, he doesn't sneer at their potions and tell people off for putting the wrong ingredient in, he just sighs and tells them to fix it" I said smiling. "Your changes have really impacted him I think" I said happily.

"Good to hear, Sirius will need to know he's changed" Dad said sighing.

"Don't worry, he'll get out, you said it yourself, he's going to be the first one to break out of Azkaban and he'll go after Peter" I said rolling my eyes.

"yep, have you sent him the gift yet" Dad asked.

"Sure have" I said grinning. 'the gift' referred to a letter from James with advice and some moral support from Mum. I wondered how he would react.

Sirius P.O.V (didn't expect this. Probably did but yeah, haha)

I was sitting in my rotting cell. These dementors really sucked every ounce of happiness I had. The only thing I could remember was that I am innocent. I still try and make plans to escape but that won't be happening to soon. Just at that moment a phoenix teleported in a burst of black flames. It passed me a letter with it's beak and disappeared..

"Thanks" I muttered in a monotone voice before opening the letter. I felt my eyes widen in pure shock.

To Padfoot,

This is a letter from your good friend James Potter (Prongs). Now if you have received this letter that is because we have been killed. I know you're sad (don't question my knowledge) and have probably gone after whoever was secret keeper. I know you weren't a death eater so someone must be the keeper instead (my guess is Wormtail). I assume seeing as I have known you for years you went after the secret keeper when Lily-flower and I died. I have composed a step-by-step plan to get you out of Azkaban.

Messrs Prongs presents,

His one and only foul proof plan for his best friend, fellow brother, Marauder and pet dog Padfoot to escape Azkaban.

Step one: Wait for the dementors to give you your daily meal

Step two: Turn into your animagus (I know for certain you can do this without a wand)

Step three: Slip past the dementors

Step four: Unfortunately you'll have to swim from the island onto the mainland but do this as your dog form (it will make it faster and if I know you properly you can't even swim well normally anyway)

Step five: Avenge the best person you have ever known and his beautiful wife and go get the filthy treacherous bastard

Note: DO NOT GET CAUGHT, or you will be shoved back in Azkaban into an even more sealed and break free cell

Have fun,

Signed: the best person/stag/brother/marauder you will ever meet, Prongs.

I felt tears come to me eyes and I retrieved the other letter from the envelope.


Good luck with breaking out. I've read James' note and he clearly doesn't know who is the best person in the world. (Note: He's been looking at her for the entire of school and is watching her write this letter right now)

I know you can make it out of Azkaban and I hope you'll take great care of Harry when you're free of Azkaban (not the law).

Wishing you well,


I stared down at the two beautiful letters. Let's do this Prongs, i'm breaking free, and the ministry won't know for a few weeks because they only pay rare visits every two months and lasts one was yesterday.


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