Getting even

21 2 0

Star pov

Me and Astrid were out on a little midnight stroll when we had the idea that it would be a good time to visit one of our old 'friends' we quickly went back to our abandoned house to get some equipment.

"well at least everyone else thought it was abandoned" I thought to myself.

Since we only had one bathroom in our "house" and it was tiny, I let Astrid go in first when she came out she was wearing black skinny jeans, black converse with red and black laces, a batman tee, and her long black hair with red tips was down in its naturally straightened way. Her mask was that of a black wolf with blood in its teeth, and it's glowing red eyes had little astrics in the pupil. I wen't into the bathroom and put my black hair with blue streaks into a ponytail so it was easier to hide and then put my mask on. it was a full face mask that was completely black the eye holes had lace over them so you couldn't see my eyes. The eyes also carved stars into them that had permanent blood creased into them that was still dripping. I was wearing a black long sleeved shirt with a red star on it and black jeans with "blood" splatters along with some black tall converses with red laces as well as one black and one red glove with a studded star on each.

After we grabbed some rope. Our knives, our cell phones, and some daggers for me, we put all of it into a backpack. Once we got there we crouched down outside Andrew's cottage and made a little game plan as we unpacked our stuff and got prepared. Astrid would go over the gate and through the front to take care of the parents and then I would come through the back and take care of the siblings.

Astrid's pov
I was in the middle of making my way over to the fence when I stubbed my toe on something in the yard. I held in my scream as I bounced around on one foot. I growled under my breath, I got to the fence and quickly jumped it quietly making my way to the front door. Right before I reached the door I saw white and then a flash but as I looked there was nothing I shook it off as my imagination and I peeked through the window, but there was no light indicating anyone was up. 'The kids must be asleep' I thought to myself as I pulled out my lock kit. 

I effortlessly got the lock undone. Opening the door with my gloved hands I slipped into the house closing  , and RE-locked it. 'This will come in handy later'  I then made my way up the stairs as quietly as possible, but I heard a noise coming from the hallway above me. Shit' I quickly go back down the few steps I managed to get up, and hide in the pantry next to the stairs. "Sure you don't want anything honey?!" "I'm sure Frank." I hear the husband, i'm guessing, walk past my hiding spot and go to the fridge. A few minutes later he comes over to the pantry.

I quickly, but quietly get out my knife my dear sister got for my birthday last year. It had an *  on its hilt, the blade was black, but in certain light it had a blue tint, and it was razor sharp. The man then opens the door. "You know murder is a great stress reliever" I said, and before he can even comprehend what just happened I slit his throat giggling as I silently grabbed him in mid fall. I listened for any other sound of his wife to see if she had noticed.

I peaked my head out from the pantry and looked around to see if i could locate her. after a little looking I noticed what looked like a womens shadow on the staircase. "Honey? Is everything okay?" "...." "I'm coming down, and don't scare me like last time!" I almost snickered at that since she really was in for a scare, as she was nearing I got into a crouched position. once she got to the last step I pounced. Instead of slitting her throat I took great pleasure in stabbing her over, and over again while I had my hand around her mouth.

By the time I was done I was covered in her blood. Oops.  I may have gotten carried away, but hey, it happens sometimes. The kill is just so exhilarating. At this time I decided to go find my sister. She's a lot more tidy when killing than me, but when she gets carried away it's glorious. She turns into a beastly murderer. Body parts will be everywhere, as well as blood It's truly beautiful. Although she's only lost control once, and that was when we took care of those horrible people. I get off the now unidentifiable women and make my way to the up stairs rooms. When I get there I'm shocked....

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