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Astrids pov

It was mid-morning and Star and I were sitting in the living room watching TV. We where watching the news when our dear friend Andrew's face popped up with a breaking news sign. Star was looking out the window so I calmly said her name to get her to look at the TV. We both watch as this pathetic mess talks about how he came home and found his family murdered. "he deserved it" Star said with anger clear in her voice. "you're telling me" I said. 

Before we could speak another word the news lady came back on "Breaking News: all charges framing Andrew Carnige for murdering his parents have been  dropped due to some fascinating evidence of marks on the victims in this picture above you can see that their are carved upside down stars into two of the victims and an astric on the other two. this seems to be the work of The Star Duo. This brought a smirk onto our faces "Looks like our name has gotten around" we both laughed "I still cant believe what he did" Star said  anger showing in her voice again. 


It was another shitty school day. This was the fifth school this year, and they were all the same. People picked on me and star for the way we looked, and I was tired of it. when I went to go open my locker. A note fell out of it, so i quickly bent down to see what it had said. 

                            Dear Astrid ,

                        I couldnt help but to notice you. Your crazy hair and dangerous/mysteriousness  have caught  my attention. Please meet me at the park at midnight.

                                                                                                      yours truly Andrew

  This was strange since I just moved to this school, and most people would consider me a freak. I told Star about the note, and she was very suspicious although she still said I should go. So that is what I did. I have never went on a "date" before, so I was excited. I put on my favorite black dress, and some fish net tights. I left my hair down because that's the way I like it, and I was off. I was at the park a little early so I decided to go to the swings, and well swing. A few minutes later I see Andrew walking over to  me. "You look amazing!" he said to me. "thanks" I said all weird."come with me I want to show you something" I said alright, and followed him into the woods. we walked for what seemed like forever when he turned to me. "Sit on that bench over there Ill be right back I have to go get your surprise." I do what I'm told and go sit down.

It seems like forever before he returns.  When he does hes not alone. I felt a strong urge to run away, but my feet stayed planted. I don't know why, but I couldn't move. The group of guys walk over to me, and surround me. "Look what we have here" said one "You even got her all dressed up for us. how special." said another. "This is going to be fun" said the last. Andrew gave me this weird face that might of been a sorry look, and left. The other guys started getting closer and closer one pushed me to the ground and jumped on top of me. He caressed my cheek and started lifting my dress. I closed my eyes as a tear slid down my  face. Unable to move I lied there and accepted my fate as the other two guys started touching my arms, and legs. By this time Andrew was no where to be seen. 

All of a sudden I hear a yell "Get off my sister you son of a bitch." Next thing I know the guy on top of me was sent flying into the air hitting a tree. The other two stood up and went over to there now unconscious friend. "you shouldn't have done that you stupid wench" one of the guys said to my sis. Oh no you shouldn't of done that she hates that word.  I thought to myself. Star lost it. She was out for blood, and blood is what she got.

As fast as lightning she pulled out her knife and went on and uncontrollable rampage, and I let her. She stabbed them hundreds of times, not stopping until she saw bone,  and even after the screams had stopped she continued. After most of their bodies had been turned to mush I decided to stop her. This was the first time I seen her get out of control.  I walked up to her and touched her shoulder. big mistake she turned around and cut my cheek.  "Oh my god Astrid I'm so sorry please forgive me. I didn't mean it...-." I cut her off "Its okay Star don't worry about it. I'm fine honest." She ran off after that. 

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