The Beginning...

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It was morning around 7:00 and you were going to a new school since you decided on going to new school. You heard your mom calling you, "Yahh!! Y/n Wake up!!" You groan as you slowly open your eyes and look around your room,You let out a soft sigh as you yell back " Ok Eomma!! I'm Up!" You run to your cloest and pull out some clothes to wear.

 You heard your mom calling you, "Yahh!! Y/n Wake up!!" You groan as you slowly open your eyes and look around your room,You let out a soft sigh as you yell back " Ok Eomma!! I'm Up!" You run to your cloest and pull out some clothes to wear

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(This is what you wear)

You go into your bathroom to take shower,you take your clothes off and start to shower once setting the temperature.You think to yourself about your school and how it would look like,you then mumble to yourself "Maybe I'll just get bullied like my last school." You sigh a little bit at the thought of that then continue to shower. (5 minutes passed) You quickly got out of the shower and got dressed,your grabbed your backpack then ran down stairs towards the front door but then you immediately hear Your Mom say " Y/N! Your breakfast!!" You quick say " I'm not hungry!,I'm going now!! Bye eomma" Ypur heard your mom say something as you exited your house " Y/N-" You close the door then run to school wanting to make it there in time.

 (5 minutes passed) You quickly got out of the shower and got dressed,your grabbed your backpack then ran down stairs towards the front door but then you immediately hear Your Mom say " Y/N! Your breakfast!!" You quick say " I'm not hungry!,I'm go...

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You arrive at your school breathing normally like you haven't just ran a mile,you look around at the students that are outside the school then you enter the school going to look for the office. You look around the hallway as you walk around,but you suddenly bump into someone while walking,you fall down on the ground but you groan in pain as your butt hit the hard cold tile. You look up at the person you bumped into thought it was just some girl,but it was a guy instead you heard him say something to you " Oh...S-sorry" he said as he kinda stutter as he talked,you see him lend me his hand so you gladly take it letting him pull me up back onto my feet then I give him a soft smile as I say something back " Th-thanks...But I really gotta go now." He nodded then said "Wait before you go what's your name?" You look at his dark brown gaze locking with your ( whatever color of eyes you want) gaze.You smile and say " I'm Y/N,you are?" He then answered my question " I'm Jungkook" You nodded then the school bell rang signaling It's class time. Jungkook: " Ok Y/N I gotta go now,See you later?" Y/N " Oh..Ok Bye Jungkook!" You say to him as you watch him Wave goodbye before walking off to his class. You sigh as you walk to the office to get your schedule then once you got your schedule,you went off to your class.

(Math class) Once you get to your first class you stop right at the door getting really nervous about this,but you go in anyways

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(Math class) Once you get to your first class you stop right at the door getting really nervous about this,but you go in anyways. Once you enter you felt millions of stares are you making you feel so small. You hear the teacher say something to you " Ah you must be Y/N?" You slightly nodded as she said " Ok Well I'm Ms. Kim,Would you like to introduce yourself?" You nodded then turn to the class and said " Annyeonghasyo,I'm Y/N Y/L/N an I hope you guys take care of me.." Ms. Kim smiles at you then says " Well Y/N please go sit next to Momo,Momocan you please raise your hand." I see a girl with Blonde hair raise her hand with a bright smile Shown on her face,You walk over to your seat and sit down. You look over at the girl as she whispers towards you " Annyeong...I'm Momo." You give her a warm smile then you hpsay " Annyeong Momo unnie,I'm Y/n" You hear your teach starting to talk so you look forward to pay attention.

After having education hell you hear Momo call your name " Y/N!!" You turn towards her to see her running towards you,you smile at her as you wave, Momo: " Aish..Hey! Want to sit with me and my friends in lunch?" Y/n: " Uh sure!" Momo: " Yay! Well..I gotta go to class I'll see you at lunch" You nod and say goodbye as she runs off with her friends to their class. You look down at my schedule to see my next class I'd dance, You smile then put your schedule back into your backpack then go to your next class. You got there but nobody was there you then mumbled " I guess I'm early?.." You sigh softly before putting your backpack down and putting on some music once you got your wireless beats on. You were dancing until the song finshed But you heard clapping from the doorway and when you turned to face the doorway you saw somebody you didn't want to see in a long time....

You stood there frozen as you stare at the girl seeing a smirk form on her lips,You start to shake a bit as I stutter while talking Y/n: W-what are you d-doing h-here??" She chuckles as you finish talking ???: " Oh Y/n you thought you got rid of me for good..but you didn't" Y/n: "W-what...your suppose to be dead!! ???: " Oh I was? Ha too bad...You thought wrong Y/n." You stare at her with rage and fire in your eyes, Y/n: "Why do you always have to come back into my life!!" You says you fill even more anger making you transform into your wolf Body.. ( Yes you heard me right you are a werewolf) Your pure white coat shines as your blue eyes sparkle as you stare at her. ???: "Ahh there's the Y/n I know!" she says as she closes the door and locks it then starts to walk towards you,you growl at her as a warning telling her Y/n: " Kyuketsuki (Means Vampire) Why don't you just go back home! You already stole the guy I liked in our old school!!" You yell as you circle around her growling and snapping at her making her jump back little by little.

(Jungkooks POV) I was going to the dance room since I was skipping my third class but when I opened the door I saw a big white wolf and a girl that looked scared,I look at the wolf then the girl but by my protecting senses I ran to the girl as stopped in front of her while yelling at the wolf to get back. Me: " Shoo!!, Get away!!!" (Back to Y/n POV) I see jungkook trying to protect Kyuketsuki but as I see her grin while behind Jungkook I look towards Jungkook and growl as a warning to move out of the way.I look at Kyuketsuki again but I she gets in my head making me feel alot of pain so I grimace in pain as I back up to the mirrors as I try reaching my paw up to my ears but it doesn't work.I shake my head trying to ignore her so I start walking forward towards them both stilling hearing Jungkook yelling at me.I feel even more pain so I grimace in pain again as roll on the ground on the pain stops so I quickly run out of the room leaving them there,I make my way out of the school and I fall to the ground transforming back into my human self but I hear my name being called so I look behind myself to see jungkook in shock Y/n: " J-jungkook? You..never s-saw that..." I say to him before getting up and run off to my house.

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