The avoiding him...

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I got home and ran up into my room ignoring everyone that was asking me questions like " Y/n Whats wrong?" "Did something happen?" I paced back and forth in my room as I thought to myself then stops and looked at my bedside table that had a picture of me and my Y/B/N in our wolf form,I sigh as a walk over and pick it up while I look at it I smile to myself as I put it down as I hear my brother call me downstairs Oppa: " Yahh! Y/n Come down for dinner!" Y/n: " Yah shut it pabo!!" I look go downstairs and I to our kitchen/dining room.I get my plate of food and sit down as I listen to my family's conversation the  I hear my Appa ask me something Appa: " Hey sweetie...what's wrong? You look...Well you don't look like yourself" I hear him say that so I shake my head telling him it's  nothing as I continue to eat my food. (After dinner you went to yours best friends house)

I arrive at my Friends house,I look at it then I go towards the front door and knock on it

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I arrive at my Friends house,I look at it then I go towards the front door and knock on it. I hear voices coming from inside since I have my super hearing,I hear my friends voice and her own brothers voice yelling at each other until I knocked again the voices stopped yelling then I chuckled as I see the door open revealing Y/b/n with a smile plastered on her face Y/n: " Oh Annyeonghaseyo Unnie~ah!" Y/b/n: Oh! annyeonghaseyo Y/n,ahh come in!" She said as she stepped out of the way opening the door even more.

I looked at her brother that gave me a soft smile and a wink after saying Y/b/n's Brother: " Annyeonghaseyo cutie pie.." Y/n: " Aish... stop calling me that! Don't you have a girlfriend!" Y/b/n's brother: "Hehe...yeah..but she doesn't have to know.." Y/n: " Yahh!!, Pabo I wouldn't date you in a million years so get over it!" I say as I run up to My friends room as she follows me up to her room also. Y/b/n: " Soo any cute guys that you met?" Y/n: " Really...but yes only one tho.."

I look down at my feet as I start to blush a bit at thought of him Y/b/n: " Ooh Whats his name!? Y/n: " Jungkook..." I say but after a while it got dark and the moon was out,I Smirked and looked at her the said Y/n: "Let's go out into the Town...maybe inside the school?" I see her nod then we both ru  put of her room and out of the house transforming into our Wolf forms.

We walked around the town as we looked around just protecting them from Kyuketsuki and her friends,I transform back into human form and sigh as we walk to the school.I see that the lights in the school is on,I look at Y/b/n and she had a smirk curving on her lips.I shake my head as I chuckle and look back at our school then I see her starting to walk over there,Y/n: "Yah! Wait up!" I sigh and run after her.We both look at each other then enter the school.

When we enter everything suddenly turn off I gulp as I look around the dark hallway then say Y/n: " Yah....unnie..I'm s-scared Y/b/n: " Don't worry your unnie has got you.." I hear something run passed us making us both turn into wolves in defence.I stare down the way we came from then I see a figure standing there I start to growl as I stare at it then I see it starting to climb the celling,I see it stop right above us and jump off the celling onto me I hear it talk

???: " Ha! Y/n do you really think you can escape me?!" Y/n: " Aish!! You crazy Kyuketsuki Get off me!!" I snap and growl at her making her leap off me.I turn around and charge her pinning her down to the ground,I bite her cold and pale neck off killing her for good.I back off as I see her lifelessly Lay there with no head on her body.I look at my friend to see her just plain out shocked about all of this.Y/b/n: " Y/N...w-what...happend to her..." Y/n: " Come on...Let's talk about this at home."

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