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You would think that it would be hard to live in a big city and to hide wings but its not. Ace built these things that make our wings invisible its supper cool it connects to our flight feathers. If we don't use our wings they will stay hidden but when we use  them they are instantly seen. They of course need to be charged so we can't where them all the time but when we go to school we do for a while whopping 8 hours we have to. School is Ok I guess but its hard to get 2 little kids ready for school Plus myself. We go to East coast its small and also offers free lunch that's one cool thing about it. Ace and I are in the same class and Breek and Aj have class down the hall from each other. So if we ever have to get the heck out of there it'll be easier.


Sorry I haven't had a lot of time lately I'll try to start writing every day 😄 love u guys

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