🌹Meeting Karin🌹

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also this is an au so they are like sorta normal people of our time. this can be VERY mature at times so carry on if you could. And at some point this story starts wildin'-

11-7-2020 update: no one told me this chapter was so😬😬 still probably some mistakes... somewhere

Hinata p.o.v

I rushed from my dorm room to my class but i ran right into my bullies. "well if it isn't bugface ."shion said making pricks of tears coming out my eyes I know I'm supposed to be Strong but I am sick of tired of the same boring old nickname SHEEESH CAN THEY THINK OF SOMETHING NEW?!

"Can you bitches just leave her the fuck alone."a pretty redhead with glasses mumbled angrily ."shut up you piece of shit that was left in the toilet."shion said letting go of me making me fall and she went on to punch the redhead known as Karin out of no where catching her by surprise.

Karin yanked shion hair making her scream while I was just standing there scared to even move like damn she is STRONG strong. Shion friends pushed karin away from her making karin hit the ground hard.

And this how you know she is the opposite of me. She fights and I just don't do anything at all. So everyone knows she exits unlike me.So, back to reality. Shion kicked Karin once and skipped off with her goons while karin just laid there with the same expressionless face. She didn't even flinch. I'm surprised she didn't fight back much this time. I think it's because she got arrested last time.

I'm beat up pretty badly from last time but at least I still have some energy left. "sorry I g-got you into this mess."I stuttered since i tried not to cry but tears just came out from my eyes she got hurt because of me.

"Don't be sorry about it it's all her fault and she's still a hoe." she responded as I helped her up. "we have to go to the clinic come on." I said . then I wrapped my arms around her hip and walked slowly to the clinic.

"Okay that should patch things up."nurse shizune said. She's a really nice nurse and she married to mr.shee:

Yep this smexy hunk is who she married so Yea this nigga still smexy AF(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (update: wtf was wrong with younger me🤡🤡n e ways the ship is kakairu now

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Yep this smexy hunk is who she married so Yea this nigga still smexy AF(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (update: wtf was wrong with younger me🤡🤡n e ways the ship is kakairu now.) (11-7-2020 update: this is so HUMILIATINGGGGGGGGG-)
When finished shizune patched us up and we walked to class lazily since we have the same period together.

"thanks for saving me back there but you got hurt still." I said quickly . "sure but you need to stop letting people run over you. you don't deserve that hinata." Karin smiled while I smile a shy smile.

"I never really got to say this but let's be friends ." Karin smiled. "Okay." I replied. I didn't notice we reached the door until Karin said it. As we walked in I see kakashi-sensai was reading one of his perverted books of his then he looked up.

"well I guess you guys can be late y'all are the smartest in this class. Now Sit down ." kakashi-sensai said making half of everyone glare at us, BUT DID HE LIE??!

Well Karin looked pissed as fuck because of it. I was expressionless since I always get glares at some point so I'm used to this . I can't get anything put on my record so I don't do anything about it. But maybe I can start showing my true self since it's senior year pretty sure my dad won't care anymore.

~Fine by me~

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