Tank Commander Mreader X Winter

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~~If you know yourself and you know your enemy, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles

If you know yourself but not your enemy, you will suffer a defeat for every victory

If you do not know yourself and you do not know your enemy, you will capitulate every battle~~

Sun Tzu- The Art of War

In a white fang camp

Two white fang lieutenant's stood around a table with a map of southern vale in front of them "So, what should our next move be?" one said and the other shrugged "I guess continue our operations here, they don't even know about this base" he said confidently "Hey, do you here something?" and a rumbling noise was building "Yeah, it sounds like this....rumbling sound" he said while a glass of water was moving and a pen fell off the table. The wall of the tent caved in crushing them from a 70 ton King Tiger stopped on top the tent. It turned it's turret and blasted a truck with it's 88mm gun and it's bow machine gun was tearing grunts apart. Two more panther's drove by on it's right and a Tiger passed on it's left. It's barrel was smoking and the commander's hatch opened up and a man about 23 years of age got out exposing his torso "Fire" he said into his radio and the gun fired blowing his hair back with the smell of cordite and fire filled the air "Ahhhhh, I love the smell of high velocity armor piercing in the afternoon" he said taking a deep breath in. This is Lieutenant (Y/n) (L/n), a legendary tank ace from the Atlas militaries special anti-terror division, he was the head of Ghost Division, they were famed for the mastery of armored warfare and tank combat. He glanced off to his left as a T-34 ran over a small building, it's gun went off but the shell bounced harmlessly off the front of the King "Fire" he simply said and the gun lined up on the tank and when the shell went through the armor the turret flew off in a brilliant fireball "Excellent work" he said and went back inside just in time for another anti-tank round to bounce off the front. The fight was short lived, Ghost Division claiming another battle to their name. The lieutenant sat on the hull of his tank and ran his hand up the length of the barrel, adding five more white ring's, each signifying a kill to the numerous already on the gun with new grooves dug into the frontal plate, while he thought of his home and back to his love, Winter and how the two met.

flashback five years

Winter was walking along the armory and vehicle bay in an Atlas base and she looked inside as the different tank s were being loaded with ammunition and fuel. She walked along the line until she stopped in front of the huge King Tiger, it was having it's engine worked on and she looked a the numerous battle scars she had on it's hull and turret "You can take a picture if you want" a voice said behind her and she jumped slightly at it and she turned and there was a man who was about 18 years of age "Who are you?" she asked him "My names (Y/n) (L/n), Captain (Y/n) (L/n)" and Winter quickly stood at attention "Sorry sir, I didn't realize who you were" she said saluting and (Y/n) chuckled at her "At ease, there's no reason to be like that around me" he said as Winter eased up "Okay then" "She's a fine piece of machinery isn't she?" (Y/n) said looking at the King Tiger "I've read about these, I never thought that they'd be this big, how much does this one weigh?" "Fully loaded she weighs about 70 tons" "Which gun is that?" Winter said pointing to the barrel of the tank "It's the 88mm kwk 43 L71, finest anti tank weapon in the world, she'll knock out anything at a range of more than a kilometer with one shot" and Winter looked around the side "Wow, this thing must be a monster in battle" "Well, you see that big grove right there" and the captain pointed to a larger than average dent "That was from a IS' 85mm, bounced clean off" and he patted the front of the hull. Winter glanced at it and said "Thank you for not getting me in trouble sir" "It's fine, everyone's a little curious, best get a move on before someone less nice than me finds you where you aren't supposed to be" and Winter saluted again and quickly left the warehouse.

Tank Commander Mreader X Winter SchneeWhere stories live. Discover now