The Dreams of a Human Named Tiffany

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Firstly, I should warn you that this is literally just me rambling on about my dreams, and some of them can be pretty insane or otherwise.


Sometimes I don't remember a lot about a dream, except for a small little detail, or I will remember a lot. I have had many dreams in the past that I remember extremely well, and some have even been recurring.

The first of my dreams that comes to mind are the ones from my childhood. I had a recurring dream-and I'm not the only one to have had this one- of the rolling car. In my version of this dream, every time I had it, we- my brother, sister, mum and I- would be in the car, and pull up to outside of my grandparent's house. (They have a somewhat long driveway, but we parked outside their fence, on the side of the road. Mum would get out of the car, and tell us to stay. As soon as she was out of view, however, the car started rolling. My sister and I thought fast, and somehow managed to drive the car until it came to a stop. Many times, in this dream, I'd look behind the car, and see mum walking towards us, but very quickly falling out of view once again. We'd always end up in some place I've never seen before. Then, I'm usually startled awake.

Another of my dreams I only remember a tiny bit about, but I had this dream years ago, and I still often think about it. It took place in a public setting, and I was with my grandparents. We sat to watch a magic show. The only thing I remember was when the magician, whose hair looked like Edward Scissorhands, and was wearing a white shirt with black suspenders, pulled out a glove. All he did was simply blow into it, but the glove didn't blow up. He did. He gradually got bigger and bigger. That's all I remember.

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