FNAF Dares

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Dare: I dare freddy to tell kitty about his feelings about her

Freddy: WHAT!?, well *scratchs his head* I do like kitty, but I havent gotten a chance to tell her yet...

Freddy: I guess its time to tell her..*goes and looks for kitty*

Kitty: talking to the puppet*

Puppet: listening to her talking*

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Freddy: hey puppet... and kitty

Kitty and puppet: hi...*looks at him*

Puppet: whats up freddy?

Freddy: May I talk to kitty in private plz?

Puppet: sure..ik where u can go..*tps u both in the parts and service room*

Kitty: so whats up freddy?

Freddy: comes closer to her*

Kitty: Blushing*

Freddy: Kitty, I have a crush on u, and when u built me and the first time I saw u with those pretty eyes u have...

Kitty: *Blushes*

Freddy: *holds a plushie behind my back*

Freddy: bends down on one knee and blushes*

Kitty: *Blushes*

Freddy: Kitty? Will u be my Girlfriend? *holds out the plushie of her*

Kitty: *Suprised*...Yes i will...

Freddy: *Smiles then kisses her*

Kitty: *kisses back*

Freddy: i love u kitty, and i dont want to loose u...

Kitty: Me either

Freddy: *puts my hands on her sides and blushes*

Kitty: *Blushes*

Freddy: whispers in her ear* Shall we?

Kitty: Shall we what?

Freddy: *makes out with her and rubs her back*

Kitty: *blushes* oh freddy^^

Freddy: 😏😏

Kitty: *makes out with him*

Freddy: puts her on the table and Blushes hard*

Kitty: Blushes hard*

1 hour later*

Kitty: panting* oh freddy, u were the best

Freddy: panting* u were too^^

And thats all for this dare and i hope u enjoyed it see u next time BYE!^^

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